[ 수상 ]Prof. Kang bong gu awarded “Technology development award”

Prof. Kang bong gu awarded “Technology development award”

Prof. Kang bong gu awarded “Technology development award” in Science and Technology Grand Award.

This prize is awarded to Gyeongsangbuk-do for organizations contributing to regional science and technology promotion, development and innovation, and for contributing to the spread of individuals and scientific culture.
It is awarded every year by △ Promotion Award △ Technology Development Award △ Female Science and Technology Promotion of 3 The technology development awards . Among them, the Technology Development Prize is awarded about achievements that contributed to patents, technology development and commercialization achievements, technological process improvement within 3 years as of the date of announcement.

The awards ceremony was held at the opening ceremony of the 17th Gyeongbuk Science Festival held at Gyeongju Haiko on September 30, 2017
