최정원 (박사과정), ” 반도체공학회 종합학술대회 우수논문상 ” 수상

Jeong-Won Choi (PhD Candidate) Wins “Outstanding Paper Award” at the Semiconductor Engineering Society Comprehensive Academic Conference

Jeong-Won Choi, a PhD candidate in POSTECH’s Department of Electrical Engineering (advisor: Professor Young-Ju Lee), was awarded the Outstanding Paper Award at the Semiconductor Engineering Society’s Comprehensive Academic Conference held on December 1.

Choi’s paper, titled “Hardware Development of NB-LDPC Decoder for Storage Applications,” presented innovative techniques to enhance the usability of non-binary LDPC codes, a next-generation error correction solution for storage media.

Supported by Samsung Electronics’ Memory Business Division, the research introduced optimized solutions that incorporate circuit design considerations during the decoding algorithm process. Additionally, the team implemented design ideas that enable ultra-efficient operation, achieving world-leading implementation efficiency. This exceptional achievement was highly praised at the conference.

This recognition underscores POSTECH’s leading role in advancing semiconductor technologies and fostering next-generation research talent.
