Coordination in Mobile-manipulators
▣ Title : Coordination in Mobile-manipulators
▣ Speaker : 이장명 교수 (부산대학교) / Prof. Jang Myung Lee (Pusan University)
▣ Time : 4. 20(금) 오후 2:00~3:30 / pm14:00~15:30, April 20 (Fri)
▣ Place : LG동 강당 (101호) / Room #101, LG Research Bldg.
▣ Hosted by : 원상철 교수 (T. 279-2221) / Prof. Sang Chul won (T. 279-2221)
BK21 미래정보기술사업단 / BK21 Educational Institute of Future Information Technology
▣ Abstract :
The coordination between the mobile robot and manipulators have been discussed in detail.
Through the visual feedback, the end-effector of the manipulator can be controlled to the desired position with a desired configuration.
While it is moving there are several factors to be considered: energy, torque, time, and efficiency. All those factors are combined to select an optimal posture for the manipulators for a given task.
The control of the mobile robot needs to be concerned with the configuration of the manipulators to keep the balance.
The coordination between the mobile robot and the manipulators is required to cope with these requirements.
Some preliminary experimental results will be demonstrated.