전공선택 Circuit Analysis Algorithm and Software
- 과목코드
- EECE572
- 강의 - 실습 - 학점
- 3-0-3
- 과목구분
- 전공선택
Prerequisite : EECE 231(Circuit Theory)
The algorithms and computational techniques for the computer-aided analysis of electronic circuits are discussed. After device modeling is discussed, the formulation of network equations using the Sparse Tableau Analysis and Modified Node Analysis methods are discussed. The numerical methods to solve a set of linear equations, including Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition, are discussed, and the Newton-Raphson method to solve a set of nonlinear equations is discussed. Numerical integration methods to handle the nonlinear ordinary differential equations, including their circuit analysis interpretation are also discussed. Finally, various circuit analysis schemes of the standard approach used for SPICE, nonlinear relaxation-based methods, waveform newton method, and waveform relaxation newton method are discussed.