전공선택 Recognition Engineering

  • 과목코드
  • 강의 - 실습 - 학점
  • 과목구분

Recognition engineering is emerging as HCI and HRI are needed for intelligent systems such as robots, computers, and cellular phones. RE is believed to be a bottleneck in many intelligent systems.
Unfortunately, various topics related with recognition is completely dispersed and separated both in curriculum and in research activities. Furthemore, detailed theories and algorithms, make it difficult for students to learn practical applications. The aim of this course is to integrate the most important recognition areas: perceptual function in brain, speech recognition, computer vision, together with programming experiences. As for the computer vision, Open CV as the most representative tool is taught: as for the speech recognition, HTK and SAPI are taught as the most important tools. After taking this course seccessively, students will be able to go further speech and visual recognition applications and research.