전공선택 Multimedia Algorithms

  • 과목코드
  • 강의 - 실습 - 학점
  • 과목구분

This is the algorithm fusion course for Ee and CE. One of the major courses in EE/CE/CS, including Multimedia. Communications, Contorl, and Computers, is the algorithm. Unfortunately the topics and approaches in each department are greatly different from each other despite of their common interests. In this light, this course aims to integrate major topics so that students regardless their major, can be armed with fundamental tools for advanced algorithm development. This course will cover the state-of-the- art topics in vast areas extracted from algorithm and optimization to parallel computation and quantum computation. At the end of the class, students will be able to answer the following questions: What is the efficient algorithm. What kind of approaches are there. How to develop fast algorithms, and How to implement algorithms on parallel architectures?