Emerging Memories: Memory or Storage?
Emerging Memories: Memory or Storage?
◈연 사 : 안 수 진 박사 (삼성전자)
◈ 일 시 : 2009년 10월 30일 (금) 오후 2:45 ~ 4:15
◈ 장 소 : LG동 강당
◈ 초청자 : 이 정 수 교수 (T.2380)
Great research and development efforts are under way to find another future memory, as fast as DRAM, longer data retention than Flash memory, more endurable, and lower power consumption. It has been started in order to overcome the technology barriers of conventional memory scaling and to maintain the past growth rate of memory capacity and manufacturing cost. Now, it is targeting to replace even DRAM, Flash Memory, and disks in computer system and merged into one nonvolatile RAM structure in the future. Recently, new concept called “Storage Class Memory” has been introduced by IBM and is supposed to make a great advance in server based computer system and mobile platforms as well. MRAM, PRAM, RRAM, CBRAM, NEMS, and etc are considered to be promising candidates. In this talk, new emerging memories are introduced and its performance goal is reviewed in accordance with the storage class memory system applications. In addition, manufacturing issues such as uniform distribution, data retention, cycling endurance are discussed based on the Phase Change Memory development experience.