Electrical engineering is a discipline dealing with all matters related to designing and manufacturing systems for the generation, transmission, processing, and controlling of electrical energy and signals. It is divided into such areas as semiconductor and quantum electronics, information and communication technology, control and power electronics, computer engineering, electromagnetics and microwave engineering, and circuits and system development. The undergraduate program in the Department of Electrical at POSTECH focuses on core electrical engineering courses, concentrating on basic subjects rather than specific areas, whereas the graduate program explores areas of interest that are more focused and specialized. Undergraduate students are thus well educated in the general core topics in electronic and electrical engineering so that they can adapt as easily to industry as graduate programs after graduation.
The Department of Electrical Engineering admits only 45 undergraduate students per year. Electrical engineering and information technologies have been widely used in today’s society, and they are also high-technology fields which can create new paradigms for the future by combining technologies with a diverse range of basic sciences and expertise in electronic and electrical engineering.

The Department of Electrical Engineering admits only 45 undergraduate students per year. Electrical engineering and information technologies have been widely used in today’s society, and they are also high-technology fields which can create new paradigms for the future by combining technologies with a diverse range of basic sciences and expertise in electronic and electrical engineering. To graduate, students must complete 135 credit hours: 15 in Humanities and Social Sciences requirements, 14 in Humanities and Social Sciences electives, 30 in General University requirements, 40 in major requirements, 24 in major electives, and 12 in free electives.
The major requirements are “Circuit Theory”, “Signals and Systems”, “Introduction to Electromagnetism”, “Digital System Design”, “Electronic Circuitry I”, “Fundamental Electronic Experiments”, “Microprocessor Structure and Application”, “Semiconductor Electronics I”, and “Design Project I”, and “Design Project II.”
The major electives are “Physics Electronics”, “Introduction to Automation Control Engineering”, “Electronic Circuitry II”, “Introduction to Information and Communication Engineering”, “Electromagnetic Fields”, and “Computer Design.” Undergraduate students must take three or more of these six subjects ? at least 9 credits.
Since the goal of the department to foster the research ability of students through education, every undergraduate student must complete the Design Project. This project is completed over 2 semesters, and undergraduate students must complete a graduation project with this course. Before taking the Design Project, students can choose a preparation course, Research Participation, which is available every semester.? Through this class, students can join the Graduation Program in the laboratory of their choice.? These courses help students develop research skills that prepare them for graduate school or for positions in industry.
Another feature of the Department of Electrical Engineering is the major elective, “Undergraduate Seminar.” This seminar helps students to keep abreast of current research in electrical engineering and to develop a broad appreciation of the field.