Compressive sensing : theory and applications


Compressive sensing : theory and applications

◈연  사 : 예 종 철 교수 (KAIST 바이오 및 뇌공학과)
◈ 일  시 : 2010년 3월 5일 (금) 오후 4:30 ~ 5:30
◈ 장  소 : LG동 강당
◈ 초청자 : 조 준 호 교수 (T.2377)


Recently, a new sampling theory called compressive sensing theory has been developed by signal processing and applied mathematics communities. According to compressive sensing, very accurate reconstruction is possible from severely limited data measurements under Nyquist sampling limit as long as it is sparse or can be sparsified under appropriates sparsifying transform. In this talk, we introduce the basic theory, and demonstrate how this theory can revolutionize various bio and neuro-imaging modalities such as NIRS, MRI, optics, T-ray imaging, CT, and PET; and illustrates how this theory gives us new insight in understanding biological systems.
