[ 수상 ]Kang Bohyun, Lee Sangwook ,and Yoo Hyunseo,The Best Student Paper Award at the 7th IEEE EDTM Conference 2023.”

Kang Bohyun, Lee Sangwook ,and Yoo Hyunseo,The Best Student Paper Award at the 7th IEEE EDTM Conference 2023.”

“(Ph.D. process Kang )Bohyun and Lee Sangwook, and( Master’s process) Yoo Hyunseo (Prof. Baek Rokhyun (advisor)) at the Department of Electrical Engineering were awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the 7th IEEE EDTM (Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing) Conference. This international academic conference discussed semiconductor manufacturing technology and equipment, and device performance enhancement. The conference was attended by over 800 people from 25 countries, and 375 papers were presented.

Kang Bohyun, who won the award in the “Process, Tools, Yield, and manufacturing” section, was recognized for his excellence with the Best Student Award.

Lee Sangwook, who won the award in the “Modeling and Simulation” section,  was recognized for his excellence with the Best Student Award.

Yoo Hyunseo, who won the award in the “Reliability” section, was recognized for his excellence with the Best Student Award.”
