home New & Events News & Event 페이스북 트위터 google email 수상 전체보기 행사 수상 기사 All All Title Content search [ 수상 ] “Dae Hyun Kim and Youngno Yoon, along with Cheonga Lee, Myung Jin Hwang, Dong Keun Ahn, Jin Young Choi, Jun Seok Ma, and Imbo Gong from the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH, as well as Professor Wook-Sung Kim and Pr.. 2023-04-07 6,704 [ 수상 ]Kang Bohyun, Lee Sangwook ,and Yoo Hyunseo,The Best Student Paper Award at the 7th IEEE EDTM Conference 2023.” “(Ph.D. process Kang )Bohyun and Lee Sangwook, and( Master’s process) Yoo Hyunseo (Prof. Baek Rokhyun (advisor)) at the Department of Electrical Engineering were awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the 7th IEEE EDTM (Electro.. 2023-03-13 7,129 [ 수상 ]Lee Kyung Min (Doctoral program), won the Excellent Paper Award “Lee Kyung Min student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH, advised by Professor Kyungtae Kim, won the Excellent Paper Award at the “2023 Winter Annual Conference” hosted by the Korean Society of Electro.. 2023-03-03 4,245 [ 수상 ]Hyunbin Oh, won the encouragement prize at the 35th IPIU 2023 Hyunbin Oh, Hyunwoo Ha, Junsung Kim, Byungki Kwon(Advisor Professor Taehyeon Oh) won the encouragement prize for “Excellent Paper Award” at the 35th IPIU 2023 hosted by the Korea Broadcasting and Media Engineering Society. thesis titl.. 2023-02-17 3,410 [ 수상 ]Prof. Ho-Jin Song, 2023 IEEE Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award “ Prof. Ho-Jin Song won the 2023 IEEE Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award for his paper “Terahertz Wireless Communications: Recent Developments Including a Prototype System for Short-Range Data Downloading,” published in IEEE Micr.. 2023-01-10 4,206 [ 수상 ]Prof. Bumman Kim “2023 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Application Award” Prof. Bumman Kim(professor emeritus) received the 2023 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Application Award for the creation of microwave amplifications for wireless applications. Prof. Bumman Kim received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from.. 2023-01-03 4,096 [ 수상 ]Prof. Hong recieves Commendation from the Ministry of SME and Startups Prof. Hong recieves Commendation from the Ministry of SME and Startups (중소기업벤처부 장관상) for his contributions in the antenna and RF systems startup ecosystem of Korea (December 2022). 2022-12-23 4,330 [ 수상 ]Gunho Park (Ph.D student) Awarded “Excellent Paper Award” at the Summer Conference of the Institute of Electronics Engineers Doctoral student Gunho Park (Advisor: Professor Youngjoo Lee) won the Best Paper Award (Naver Thesis Award) at the 2021 Summer Conference of the Institute of Electronics Engineers( held from June 30 to July 2.) 2022-12-06 3,810 [ 수상 ]Park Jae-young (integrated course) won the ‘Excellent Researcher Award’ at the Korea Electric Power Corporation. Jae-Young Park (Advisor: Prof. Young-Jin Kim) was selected as an excellent researcher at the Korea Electric Power Corporation. 2022-12-06 3,846 Firstprev12345678910nextlast