Kim, Youngjin

Kim, YoungjinProfessor

  • 2008~2010서울대학교 (졸업- 전기 컴퓨터공학)
  • 2000~2007서울대학교 (졸업-전기 컴퓨터공학)
  • 1. Coordination between Smart Grid and a Cluster of Smart Buildings
  • 2. Implementation of Energy Big Data Center - Campus Microgrid
  • 3. IEC-61850 Process Bus for Reliability Tests of Digital Protection Relays
  • 4. Network Optimized Distributed Energy Systems (DE-FOA-0001289)
Journal Papers
  • Published/Available Online

    * Corresponding author

    14. Y. Kim , “Modeling and Analysis of a DC Electrical System and Controllers for Implementation of a Grid-Interactive Building ,” Energies, vol. 10, no. 4, page(s): 1-21, Mar. 2017

    13. Y. Kim and L. K. Norford , “Optimal Use of Thermal Energy Storage Resources in Commercial Buildings through Price-Based Demand Response Considering Distribution Network Operation,” Applied Energy, vol. 193, pp. 308-323, May 2017

    12. J. Qi, Y. Kim, C. Chen, X. Lu, and J. Wang , “Demand Response and Smart Buildings: A Survey of Control, Communication, and Cyber-Physical Security ,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, in press, 2016

    11. Y. Kim, J. Wang, and X. Lu, “A Framework for Load Service Restoration Using Dynamic Change in Boundaries of Advanced Microgrids with Synchronous-Machine DGs,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Early Access, 2016

    10. Y. Kim and J. Wang, “Power Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation Study on Frequency Regulation through Direct Load Control of Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage Resources,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Early Access, 2016

    9. Y. Kim, G. Del-Rosario-Calaf, and L. K. Norford, “Analysis and Experimental Implementation of Grid Frequency Regulation using Behind-the-Meter Batteries Compensating for Fast Load Demand Variations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 484-498, Jan. 2017

    8. Y. Kim, D. H. Blum, N. Xu, L. Su, and L. K. Norford, “Technologies and Magnitude of Ancillary Services Provided by Commercial Buildings,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104, no. 4, pp.758-779, Feb. 2016

    7. Y. Kim, E. Fuentes-Lopez, and L. K. Norford, “Experimental Study of Grid Frequency Regulation Ancillary Service of a Variable Speed Heat Pump,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3090-3099, Jul. 2016

    6. Y. Kim, J. L. Kirtley Jr., and L. K. Norford, “Reactive Power Ancillary Service of Synchronous DGs in Coordination with Voltage Control Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 515-527, Mar. 2017

    5. Y. Kim, L. K. Norford, and J. L. Kirtley Jr., “Modeling and Analysis of a Variable Speed Heat Pump for Frequency Regulation through Direct Load Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30., no. 1, pp. 397-408, Jan. 2015

    4. Y. Kim, S. Ahn, P. Hwang, G. Pyo, and S. Moon, “Coordinated Control of a DG and Voltage Control Devices using a Dynamic Programming Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28., no. 1, pp. 42-51, Feb. 2013

    3. Y. Kim, P. Hwang, and S. Moon, “A Steady-state Analysis for an Inverter-based DG to Determine the Optimal Capacity of an Inverter and Harmonic Filters,” Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 14-20, Jan. 2011

    2. Y. Kim, P. Hwang, and S. Moon, “A Study on Power Factor Control of Inverter-based DG System considering the Capacity of an Active Harmonic Filter and an Inverter,” The Transactions of Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 2149-2154, Nov. 2009

    1. Y. Kim, T. Kim, and J. Park, “A Study on Efficiency Improvement of a Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Unit Commitment,” Award-Winning Papers of the 6th KPX Team Project Competition, 2009, available online at Korean Electricity Regulatory Commission (

    Under Review

    * Corresponding author

    1. D. Kwon, Y. Kim*, C. Kim, and S. Moon, “Modeling of HVDC System to Improve Estimation of Transient DC Currents and Voltages for AC Line-to-Ground Fault – An Actual Case Study in Korea,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Under Review, 2017

    2. Y. Kim and J. Wang, “Sensitivity Matrix of 3-Phase Voltage Unbalance Factor: Application to Optimal Demand Response,” IEEE Power Engineering Letters, Under Review, 2017

    3. M. Jeong, Y. Kim, S. Moon, and P. Hwang, “Optimal Voltage Control using an Equivalent Model of a Low-Voltage Network Accommodating Inverter-Interfaced DGs,” Energies, Under Review, 2017

    Selected Conference Proceedings

    12. Y. Kim and L. K. Norford, “Experimental Study of Battery Energy Storage Systems Participating in Grid Frequency Regulation,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 2016

    11. Y. Kim, “Experimental Study of Battery Energy Storage Systems Participating in Grid Frequency Regulation,” IEEE Power and Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, May 2016 (Selected as Best Paper)

    10. D. Kwon, Y. Kim, and S. Moon, “Optimal Control of Single-Phase On-Board PHEV Chargers Considering Line Capacity and Load Imbalance,” IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, Feb. 2015

    9. Y. Kim, “Commercial Buildings Operated as Smart Microgrids,” Invited to Barcelona Global Energy Challenges, Jun. 2014

    8. J. L. Kirtley Jr., Y. Kim, A. Banerjee, and E. F. Fongang, “The Future of Induction Motors,” Invited to Electro-Mechanical Authority Convention and Exhibition, Jun. 2014

    7. Y. Kim, L. K. Norford, and J. L. Kirtley Jr., “Design and Analysis of a Variable Speed Heat Pump for Frequency Regulation through Direct Load Control,” IEEE Power and Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, Apr. 2014 (Selected as Best Paper)

    6. Y. Kim, L. K. Norford, and J. L. Kirtley Jr., “Analysis of a Building Power System with a Rooftop PV Array and PHEVs as an Aggregator,” IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Feb. 2013

    5. Y. Kim, Y. Kim, and S. Moon, “Optimal Network Reconfiguration Coordinated with the Operations of Voltage Control Devices Using a Dynamic Programming Algorithm,” International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Jul. 2012

    4. D. H. Blum, Y. Kim, J. S. Krones, E. Henriquez, L. K. Norford, and J. L. Kirtley Jr., “Framework for Advance Sustainable Building Design: Smart Micro-Grid Enabled Buildings and Utility-Side of the Meter Energy Markets,” National Science Foundation EFRI Grantees Conference, Mar. 2012

    3. Y. Kim, P. Hwang, and S. Moon, “The Steady-state Analysis for an Inverter-based DG to Determine the Optimal Capacity of an Inverter and Harmonic Filters,” International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Jul. 2010 (Selected as Best Paper)

    2. Y. Kim, P. Hwang, and S. Moon, “A Study on the Power Factor Control Method to Increase DG Penetration in Distributed Power Systems,” KIEE Power System Research Association Spring Conference, May 2010 (Selected as Best Paper)

    1. Y. Kim, P. Hwang, and S. Moon, “Optimal Power Factor Control of Inverter-based DG for Reduction in Capacity of Active Harmonic Filter,” KIEE Annual Summer Conference, Jul. 2009 (Selected as Best Paper)