Nam, Kwang HeeHonorary Professor
- Position
- Honorary Professor
- Homepage
- http://cmdlab.postech.ac.kr
- Organization
- Control & Motor Drive
- Telephone
- 054-279-2218
- Place
- Information Research Laboratories 351
- kwnam@postech.ac.kr
- Education
- 1982~1986UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN (졸업-자동제어,로보틱스)
- 1980~1982서울대학교 (졸업-제어계측공학)
- 1976~1980서울대학교 (졸업-공업화학)
- Career
- 1983~1986Univ. of State taxsas 전기공학과
- 1981~1982서울대학교 공업화학과
- Profession
- 비선형 시스템 : 비선형 시스템의 FEEDBACK LINEARIZATION, 적응제어기 구성, 적응제어 시스템의 ROBUSTNESS에 관한 연구지능제어 : 신경회로망을 이용한 고장진단/지능제어기 구성에 관한 연구
- Journal Papers
- Charging Method for the Secondary Battery in Dual-Inverter Drive Systems for Electric Vehicles, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 30, 909-921 (2015)
- Analytic Expressions of Torque and Inductances via Polynomial Approximations of Flux Linkages, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, , , – (2015)
- Torque Control of IPMSM in the Field-Weakening Region With Improved DC-Link Voltage Utilization, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 62, 3380-3387 (2015)
- Inductance Estimation of Electrically Excited Synchronous Motor via Polynomial Approximations by Least Square Method, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 51, 1526-1537 (2015)
- Sensorless Control of PMSM in a High-Speed Region Considering Iron Loss, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 62, 6151-6159 (2015)
- Analytic Expressions of Torque and Inductances via Polynomial Approximations of Flux Linkages, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, , 51, – (2015)
- Fluctuating Current Control Method for a PMSM along Constant Torque Contours, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, , , – (2014)
- Fluctuating Current Control Method for a PMSM Along Constant Torque Contours, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 29, 6064-6073 (2014)
- Torque Control of IPMSM in the Field Weakening Region with Improved DC-Link Voltage Utilization, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, , , – (2014)
- Inductance Estimation of Electrically Excited Synchronous Motor Via Polynomial Approximations by Least Square Method, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, , , – (2014)
- 12 Slot-10 Pole Excited Synchronous Motor Design for ISG Applications, 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES (ICEM), , , 2398-2403 (2014)
- Dynamic Modeling and Control for SPMSMs With Internal Turn Short Fault, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 28, 3495-3508 (2013)
- Current Minimizing Torque Control of the IPMSM Using Ferrari’s Method, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 28, 5603-5617 (2013)
- Idling Port Isolation Control of Three-Port Bidirectional Converter for EVs, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 27, 2495-2506 (2012)
- Estimation of Rotor Position and Speed of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors With Guaranteed Stability, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, , 19, 601-614 (2011)
- Mode Adaptive Droop Control With Virtual Output Impedances for an Inverter-Based Flexible AC Microgrid, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 26, 689-701 (2011)
- Asymmetric Duty Control of a Dual-Half-Bridge DC/DC Converter for Single-Phase Distributed Generators, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 26, 973-982 (2011)
- PMSM Control Based on Edge-Field Hall Sensor Signals Through ANF-PLL Processing, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 58, 5121-5129 (2011)
- Sensorless Control of Surface-Mount Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors Based on a Nonlinear Observer, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 25, 290-297 (2010)
- PMSM Angle Detection Based on the Edge Field Measurements by Hall Sensors, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, , 10, 300-305 (2010)
- Exploiting Location Information for Concurrent Transmissions in Multihop Wireless Networks, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, , 58, 314-323 (2009)
- A Lookup Table Based Loss Minimizing Control for FCEV Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors, JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, , 4, 201-210 (2009)
- Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Multistring PCS With PV Current Variation Reduction Control, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 56, 4381-4388 (2009)
- Loss-Minimizing Control of PMSM With the Use of Polynomial Approximations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 24, 1071-1082 (2009)
- A Current Distortion Compensation Scheme for Four-Switch Inverters, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 24, 1032-1040 (2009)
- High-Efficiency Fuel Cell Power Conditioning System With Input Current Ripple Reduction, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 56, 826-834 (2009)
- High-efficiency module-integrated photovoltaic power conditioning system, IET POWER ELECTRONICS, , 2, 410-420 (2009)
- Fault diagnosis of a ZVS dc-dc converter based on dc-link current pulse shapes, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 55, 1491-1494 (2008)
- Inverter-based local ac bus voltage control utilizing two DOF control, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 23, 1288-1298 (2008)
- Three-Phase Photovoltaic System With Three-Level Boosting MPPT Control, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 23, 2319-2327 (2008)
- An optimal selection of induction-heater capacitance considering dissipation loss caused by ESR, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 43, 1117-1125 (2007)
- A DC-link capacitor minimization method through direct capacitor current control, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 42, 573-581 (2006)
- Photovoltaic power conditioning system with line connection, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 53, 1048-1054 (2006)
- Theoretical minimum DC-link capacitance in PWM converter-inverter systems, IEE PROCEEDINGS-ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, , 152, 81-88 (2005)
- A simple indirect field-oriented control scheme for multiphase induction machine, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 52, 1177-1184 (2005)
- Field-oriented control scheme for linear induction motor with the end effect, IEE PROCEEDINGS-ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, , 152, 1565-1572 (2005)
- A simple indirect field-oriented control scheme for multiconverter-fed induction motor, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 52, 1653-1659 (2005)
- Overvoltage suppression filter design methods based on voltage reflection theory, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 19, 264-271 (2004)
- Dual-inverter control strategy for high-speed operation of EV induction motors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 51, 312-320 (2004)
- Loss-minimising control scheme for induction motors, IEE PROCEEDINGS-ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, , 151, 385-397 (2004)
- On compensation of wave reflections in transmission lines and applications to the overvoltage problem AC motor drives, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 49, 1757-1762 (2004)
- Locating power supplies on a personal rapid transit system to minimize system losses, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 40, 1671-1677 (2004)
- Sensorless vector control scheme for induction motors based on a stator flux estimator with quadrant error compensation rule, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 39, 492-503 (2003)
- Parameter estimation scheme for low-speed linear induction motors having different leakage inductances, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 50, 708-716 (2003)
- A vector control scheme for a PM linear synchronous motor in extended region, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 39, 1280-1286 (2003)
- Source voltage sensorless estimation scheme for PWM rectifiers under unbalanced conditions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 50, 1238-1245 (2003)
- An overvoltage suppression scheme for AC motor drives using a half DC-link voltage level at each PWM transition, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 49, 549-557 (2002)
- A fast dynamic DC-Link power-balancing scheme for a PWM converter-inverter system, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 48, 794-803 (2001)
- An output feedback tracking controller for systems diffeomorphic to the non-linear observer form, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 74, 1075-1084 (2001)
- New hybrid parallel active filter configuration minimising active filter size, IEE PROCEEDINGS-ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, , 147, 93-98 (2000)
- A two-degrees-of-freedom current control scheme for deadtime compensation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 47, 557-564 (2000)
- A robust load-sharing control scheme for parallel-connected multisystems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 47, 871-879 (2000)
- Instantaneous phase-angle estimation algorithm under unbalanced voltage-sag conditions, IEE PROCEEDINGS-GENERATION TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION, , 147, 409-415 (2000)
- A dynamic decoupling control scheme for high-speed operation of induction motors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 46, 100-110 (1999)
- A simple snubber configuration for three-level GTO inverters, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, , 14, 246-257 (1999)
- A second-order stochastic filter involving coordinate transformation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 44, 603-608 (1999)
- Stabilization of feedback linearizable systems using a radial basis function network, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 44, 1026-1031 (1999)
- A feedback linearizing control scheme for a PWM converter-inverter having a very small DC-link capacitor, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 35, 1124-1131 (1999)
- Dual current control scheme for PWM converter under unbalanced input voltage conditions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 46, 953-959 (1999)
- A load torque compensation scheme under the speed measurement delay, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 45, 283-290 (1998)
- A PI-type dead-time compensation method for vector-controlled GTO inverters, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, , 34, 452-457 (1998)
- A vector control scheme for EV induction motors with a series iron loss model, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, , 45, 617-624 (1998)
- An approximate nonlinear observer with polynomial coordinate transformation maps, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 42, 522-527 (1997)
- 역동력학을 이용한 교류 전동기 전류제어기, 제어·자동화·시스템공학회지, , 6, 26-32 (2000)
- 전기자동차의 발전방향과 가술동향, 전기학회논문지, , 47, 23-27 (1998)
- Observers for nonautonomous discrete-time nonlinear systems, 대한전자공학회 학술대회 논문집, , 2, 1828-1832 (1992)
- 자동평형장치가 부착된 로보트 매니퓰레이터에 관한 연구, 전자공학회논문지, , 26, 518-525 (1989)
- Dynamic Overmodulation in the Synchronous Reference Frame for IPMSM, Journal of energy and power engineering, , , 1398-1407 (2013)
- Conference Proceedings
- Simpleified Unbalanced Force Calculation in Switched Reluctance Machines Using Electromagnetic Circuit Model, Electric Machines and Drives, 2005 IEEE International Conference on, 0, 0, 498-503 (2005)
- Analyzing the network at the byte level, CCCT2004, 0, 0, – (2004)
- TCP flow control based on an instantaneous mode, SICE2003, 0, 0, – (2003)
- Advanced Control Scheme for a Single-phase PWM Rectifier in Traction Applications, IEEE Industry Application Conference, 0, 0, 124-129 (2003)
- An Optimal Selection of Induction Heater Capacitance Considering Dissipation Loss Caused by ESR, IEEE ApEC annual meeting, 0, 0, 2512-2516 (2003)
- Attractive force reducing strategy of LIM for PRT systems, IEEE International, Electric Machines and Drives Conference, 0, 0, 1832-1836 (2003)
- Optimal Position Finding Algorithm for the Power Sources in the PRT Systems, IEEE Industry Applicantion Conference, 0, 0, 2451-2459 (2003)
- Overvoltage suppression filter design methods based on voltage reflection theory, IEMDC’03. IEEE International, 0, 0, 1808-1812 (2003)
- A PRT System Using a Double Winding Linear Induction Motor, Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Dual Inverter Control Stategy for High Speed Operation of EV Induction, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2002, IECON `02 Annual IEEE, 0, 0, – (2002)
- A DC Link Capacitor Minimization Method through Direct Capacitor Current Control, Industry Applications Conference, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Very Fast Phase Angle Estimation Algorithm for a Single-Phase System having Sudden Phase Angle Jumps, Industry Applications Conference, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Reference frame coinciding control scheme for a double winding of a PRT system, IEEE IEMDC, 0, 0, – (2001)
- A method of lowering bearing current with embedded circular comb-like coil, Conference Record of the 2000 IEEE, 0, 0, – (2000)
- A robust load sharing control scheme for parallel-connected multi systems, 전기학회, 전자공학회, 제어시스템 자동화공학회 제어 및 로봇관련 합동학술대회, 0, 0, – (2000)
- A vector control scheme for a PMLSM considering a nonuniform flux distribution, IEEE APEC 15th annual meeting, 15th APEC Conference Record, 0, 0, 393-396 (2000)
- Current Control Scheme for A Motors Using Inverse Dynamics, ICASE magazine,, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Sensorless vector control of induction motor based on a flux compensation with application to hoist crane, IEEE APEC 15th annual meeting, 15th APEC Conference Record, 0, 0, 144-147 (2000)
- 시스템 식별론을 이용한 모터 드라이브 시스템에서의 전해 콘덴서 결함 진단, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 243-247 (1999)
- 확장 칼만 필터를 이용한 PWM 컨버터 센서리스 제어기법, 99 전력 전자 학술 대회, 0, 0, 671-674 (1999)
- Time Varying 전원 전압을 고려한 PWM 컨버터 제어, 전력전자 학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 692-695 (1999)
- A DC link voltage balancing algorithm for 3-level converter using the Zero Sequence current, IEEE PESC’97, 0, 0, – (1999)
- A New Parallel Hybrid Filter ConfigurationMinimizing Active Filter Size, IEEE PESC’99, 0, 0, – (1999)
- An instantaneous phase angle detection algorithm under unbalanced line voltage Condition, IEEE PESC’99, 0, 0, – (1999)
- A new rotor time constant update rule using stator flux vector of an induction Motor, IEEE IAS annual meeting, 0, 0, – (1999)
- A model-based dead-time compensation scheme for a voltage-source PWM inverter, EPE’99, 0, 0, – (1999)
- A new approach to vector control for a linear induction motor considering end Effect, IEEE IAS annual meeting, 0, 0, – (1999)
- Fast Dynamic DC-Link Power Balancing Scheme for a PWM converter-inverter system, IECON’99, 0, 0, – (1999)
- Fast dynamic DC-link power balancing scheme for a PWM converter-inverter system, Korea-Germany Advance Power Electronics Symposium, Seoul,, 0, 0, – (1999)
- A simple DC-rail soft switched voltage source inverter, PESC’98, Fukuhoka, 0, 0, – (1998)
- A feedback linearizing control scheme for a PWM converter-inverter having a very small DC-link capacitor, IAS’98, 0, 0, – (1998)
- 냉연 설비 순간 저전압 방지용 UPS, 철강제어 기술연구회(’98 TSSPC), 0, 0, 97-100 (1998)
- A New Paarallel Hybrid Filter configuration Minimizing Active Filter Size, ICPE’98, Seoul, 0, 0, – (1998)
- A new parallel hybrid filter configuration minimizing active filter size, ICPE’98, KIPE, 0, 0, 894-897 (1998)
- TMS320F240 DSP 컨트롤러를 이용한 서보모터 드라이브 개발, 1998 전력전자 학술대회 논문집, 7월, 전남 화순, 0, 0, 357-360 (1998)
- A new vector control scheme considering iron loss for electric vehicle induction motors, IEEE IAS’97, New Orleans, 0, 0, 439-444 (1997)
- A PI decoupling control scheme for high speed operating of induction motors, IEEE PESC’97, St. Louis, 0, 0, – (1997)
- A PI type decoupling control scheme for high speed operation of induction motors, IEEE PESC’97, 0, 0, 1082-1085 (1997)
- A robust adaptive sensorless field-orientation control using a modified stator flux observer, IEEE PESC’97, St. Louis, 0, 0, – (1997)
- A Second-order stochastic filter involving coordinate transformation, 국방과학연구소 제 7차 유도무기 학술대회, 0, 0, – (1997)
- A sensorless control scheme in the presence of voltage and measurement errors by dead time, IEEE IAS’97, New Orleans, 0, 0, – (1997)
- A snubber configuration suitable for energy recovery in three level GTO inverters, IEEE IAS’97, New Orleans, 0, 0, 1309-1315 (1997)
- An robust adaptive sensorless field-oriented control using a modified stator flux observer, IEEE PESC’97, 0, 0, 1050-1054 (1997)
- Sensorless vector control in the presence of voltage and current measurement errors by dead-time, IEEE IAS, Oct., 0, 0, 433-483 (1997)
- A disturbance torque compensation scheme considering the speed measurement delay, IEEE IAS’96, 0, 0, 403-409 (1996)
- A Load Torque Compensation Scheme Considering the Speed Measurement Delay, IEEE IAS’96, San Diego, 0, 0, – (1996)
- A modifed model reference adaptive system for the speed identification of induction motors, KACC, 0, 0, – (1996)
- A PI Type Dead Time Compensation Method for Vector Controlled GTO Inverter, IEEE IAS’96, San Diego, 0, 0, 917-920 (1996)
- A real-time parameter identification scheme for the sensorless control of induction motors using a reduced order model, 춘계전력전자 연구회, 0, 0, – (1996)
- A Real-Time Parameter Identification Scheme for the Sensorless Control of Induction Motors Using a Reduced Order Model, IEEE IECON’96, Taipei, 0, 0, – (1996)
- A simple snubber configuration for three level voltage source inverters, 춘계전력전자 연구회, 0, 0, – (1996)
- A Simple Snubber Configuration for Three Level Voltage Source GTO Inverters, IEEE IAS’95, Orlando, 0, 0, – (1995)
- Faults Diagnoses of Rotating Machines by Using Neural Nets : GRNN and BPN, IEEE IECON’95, Orlando, 0, 0, – (1995)
- 가우시안 백색잡음이 인가된 비선형시스템에 대한 관측자, 제4차 유도무기 학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, – (1994)
- A robust DC link voltage control scheme for a PWM rectifier with unknown output current, KACC, 0, 0, – (1994)
- A tracking control scheme for flexiable robot manipulators using Kalman filtering, Robotics conf., 0, 0, – (1994)
- Diagnostic system of rotating machinery by utilizing a back-propagation neural net, KACC, 0, 0, – (1994)
- Feedback control of flexible manipulators using the Kalman filtering, KACC, 0, 0, – (1994)
- Robustness for expansion of operating speed limits of induction motors, KACC, 0, 0, – (1994)
- Stabilization of feedback linearizable system using back propagation neural net, MTNS, 0, 0, – (1994)
- Stabilization of feedback linearizable systems using an approximate linearization, 32th IEEE CDC, 0, 0, – (1993)
- Diagonosis of rotating machines by utilizing a back propagation neural net, IEEE IECON’92, 0, 0, 1064-1067 (1992)
- Construction of coordinate transformation map using neural network, KACC, 0, 0, – (1991)
- Magnet lattice of the Pohang Light Source, Proc. of Particle Accelerator Conference, 0, 0, – (1991)
- Object redognition of one D.O.F. tools by a back propagation neurla network, KACC, Seoul, 0, 0, – (1991)
- Obserbers for nonautonomous discrete-time nonlenear systems, KACC, Seoul, 0, 0, – (1991)
- Observers for nonlinear affine systems with linearizable error dynamics, MTNS, Kobe, Japan, 0, 0, – (1991)
- A studey on a TAB lattice with two very long straight sections, 한국물리학회, 서울, 0, 0, – (1990)
- A study of a TBA lattice for the Pohang Light Source, Proc. of European Particle Accelerator Conference, Nice, France, 0, 0, – (1990)
- Observer design for nonlinear discrete-time systems, Proc. of 29th IEEE CDC, 0, 0, – (1990)
- 브러쉬없는 직류전동기의 비선형 디지탈 위치제어, KACC, 0, 0, – (1989)
- 신경회로망에의 로보트 역기구학 구현, KACC, Seoul, 0, 0, – (1989)
- 학습제어기를 이용한 직류 전동기 제어, KACC, Seoul, 0, 0, – (1989)
- A computed torque method incorporation an iterative learning sheme, KACC, Seoul, 0, 0, – (1989)
- An automatic balancing mechanism for robots with serial joints, Proc. of 20th ISIR, Tokyo, Japan, 0, 0, – (1989)
- CMAC based iterative learning control of robot manipulator, Proc. of 28th IEEE CDC, 0, 0, – (1989)
- Lattice design for the Pohang Synchrotron Light Source, Proc. of Particle Accelerator Conference, 0, 0, – (1989)
- A model reference adaptive control scheme for pure-feedback nonlinear systems, Proc. of ACC, Minneapolis, MN, 0, 0, – (1987)
- A Location-Assisted MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2007.WCNC 2007. IEEE, 0, 0, 332-327 (0000)
- Invited Talk or Presentations
- 유도전동기를 사용한 전기자동차 구동용 전동기 설계, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- 전기자동차용 배터리 시뮬레이터의 출력 향상을 위한 양방향 Buck +Boost 컨버터의 스위칭 주파수 변경, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- 전기자동차용 3kW 인터리브드 하프브릿지 저전압 DC-DC 컨버터, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- 사각형 파형 드라이브 방식을 이용한 3상 양방향 컨버터 연구, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- 축방향 자속형 전동기에서 연자성복합체 코어와 적층 전기강판 코어 철손 비교, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- A Foult Tolerant Load Balancing Control for Dual Half Bridge Converters, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- Copper Loss Minimizing Field Current Control for Wound Synchronous Motor, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- Torque Ripple Prediction using Fourier Coefficients of Flux Linkage in PMSM Design, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- Analytic Expression of Torque Ripple by Fourier Coefficients of Flux Linkages, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- Flux concentrating axial ferrite magnet motor, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- Groove Depth Determination Based on Extended, ., 0, 0, – (2015)
- 회전자 속도 오차가 고피나스 자속 추정기에 미치는 영향 분석 및 오차 보상 알고리즘, ., 0, 0, – (2014)
- Sensorless control of PMSM in a ultra high speed region taking iron loss into account, ., 0, 0, – (2014)
- 12 Slot — 10 Pole excited synchronous motor design for ISG applications, ., 0, 0, – (2014)
- Charging method for the second battery in dual inverter drive systems for electric vehicles, ., 0, 0, – (2014)
- Torque control for IPMSM in the high speed range based on voltage angle, ., 0, 0, – (2014)
- Comparative Study of Field-Excitation Flux-Switching Motor Against PMSM for ISG Application, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- 계자권선형 12슬롯-10극 자속 역전식 동기 전동기의 최적 설계, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- 차량 운전조건과 속도변화를 고려한 요우모멘트 제어, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- Sensorless control for electrically energized synchronous motor based on signal injection to field winding, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- Extended MTPA with cross coupling inductances for electrically excited synchronous motors, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- Fluctuating current control for a PMSM under reduced DC link capacitance, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- Copper Loss Minimizing Torque Contorl of IPMSM Based on Flux Variables, ., 0, 0, – (2013)
- Calculation of the Electromagnetic Characteristics of an Electrically Excited Synchronous Motor for an EV, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- A Claw Pole Motor Design with Two Field Widing, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- Simple on-line dead-time compensation scheme based on disturbance voltage observer, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- Dynamic overmodulation in the synchronous reference frame for IPMSMs, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- A single-phase bidirectional dual active half-bridge converter, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- Study of single-phase bidirectional battery charger for high power application, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- Design and analysis of a DC-DC converter for EVs battery charger, ., 0, 0, – (2012)
- PHEV용 단상 양방향 on-board 충전기, ., 0, 0, – (2011)
- IPMSM의 센서리스구동을 위한 온라인 파라미터 추정, ., 0, 0, – (2011)
- Bidirectional Dual Active Half-Bridge Converter Integrated High Power Factor Correction, ., 0, 0, – (2011)
- Speed ripple reduction of PMSM with eccentric load using sinusoidal compensation method, ., 0, 0, – (2011)
- An incoporation method of sensorless algorithms: Signal injection and back EMF based methods, ., 0, 0, – (2010)
- PMSM Control based on Edge Field Measurements by Hall Sensors, ., 0, 0, – (2010)
- Asymmetric duty control of the dual-active-bridge DC/DC converter for single-phase distributed generators, ., 0, 0, – (2009)
- Three-port full bridge converter application as a combined charger for PHEVs, ., 0, 0, – (2009)
- 하이브리드 전기자동차용 양방향 DC-DC Converter 제어 알고리즘 개발, 전력전자학회, 0, 0, – (2004)
- Concentric Winding BLDC Motor Design, IEMDC 2005, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Memory 효율을 최대화하는 Bloom Filter System의 설계 Design of a Memory Efficient Bloom Filter System, 신호 및 시스템 학회, 0, 0, – (0000)
- A new topology and control scheme for 4WD HEV using a DFIM with a reduced size converter-inverter, IAS 2005, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Two DOF controller for parallel operation of fuel cell power generator with power grid, IAS 2005, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Dual Inverter Strategy for High Speed Operation of HEV Permanent Synchronous Motor, Industry Applications Conference, 2006. Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, Conference Record of the 20, 0, 0, – (0000)
- A lookup Table Based Loss Minimizing Control for FCEV Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors, 2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 0, 0, – (0000)
- 계통연계형 멀티스트링 태양광 발전시스템, 한국신재생에너지학회, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Hybridization fuel cell with supercapacitor for FCEV, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2008. APEC 2008. Twenty-Third Annual IEEE, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Two arm inverter with three level boost converter for three phase induction motors, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2008. APEC 2008. Twenty-Third Annual IEEE, 0, 0, – (0000)
- On Concurrent Transmissions in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Shadowing Channels, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2008. ICC ’08., 0, 0, – (0000)
- A programmable motor inertia changing scheme by utilizing virtual inertia, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. PESC 2008. IEEE, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Loss Minimizing Control of PMSM with the Use of Polynomial Approximations, Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2008, IEEE, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Books
- AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications, CRC Press, , 남광희 (2010)
- Research Activities
- 크레인 구동용 유도전동기에 대한 센스리스 벡터 제어 알고리듬 개발, (주)포스콘 (2001-2002)
- TB HEV용 모터 모델링 및 제어 알고리듬 개발, 현대자동차(주)남양연구소 (2002-2003)
- 보안기술을 탑재한 하드웨어 솔루션 개발을 위한 사전 연구조사, 어울림정보기술(주) (2002-2002)
- 하드웨어 방화벽 개발을 위한 계획 수립 연구, (주)퓨쳐시스템 (2003-2003)
- 기가 비트급 광 이더넷 스위칭 구조연구, 한양대학교 (2002-2003)
- PRT 시스템 개발 (II), (주)스카이카 (2001-2003)
- 미니밀 전기로 생산성 향상을 위한 전력패턴 연구, (주)포스코 (2001-2001)
- 미니밀 I/H SYSTEM 최적화 및 성에너지화 개선 대책, (주)포스코 (2003-2003)
- 하이브리드 전기자동차용 양방향 DC-DC CONVERTER 제어 알고리즘 개발 및 시뮬레, 현대엔지비(주) (2004-2005)
- HDC 고장진단 로직 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2005-2006)
- 진공 펌프용 인버터 회로 개발, 씨앤에이텍(주) (2005-2006)
- 연료전지를 이용한 분산 발전기의 계통 연계를 위한 전력 컨버터 토폴로지 및 제어 알고리즘, (재)기초전력연구원 (2003-2004)
- 연료전지 자동차 구동을 위한 전력변환 시스템 개발, 에너지관리공단 (2003-2004)
- 연료전지 자동차 구동을 위한 전력변환 시스템 개발(II), 에너지관리공단 (2004-2005)
- TCM MILL DC MOTOR TRIP DATA 수집 및 분석장치 개발, (주)포스코 (2004-2004)
- 고압 모터 운용을 위한 모듈형 멀티레벨 인버터 연구, (주)포스코 (2003-2005)
- 개인장비 운영경비 적립액, 포항공과대학교 (2004-2017)
- 인건비풀링과제, 포항공과대학교 (2006-2015)
- 자체연구개발과제, 포항공과대학교 (2006-2016)
- FCEV용 모터제어 알고리즘 개발 및 구현, 현대엔지비(주) (2006-2007)
- 고효율 영구자석 동기 전동기 제어 및 과변조 알고리즘 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2007-2007)
- LDC 신규 전력회로구조/제어회로 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2007-2007)
- LDC 신규 전력회로구조 개발 [2차년도], 현대엔지비(주) (2008-2008)
- 비상운전용 영구자석 동기전동기 센서리스제어기술 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2008-2008)
- (포항) 모터 손실 저감을 위한 최적 제어 기술 개발, (주)포스코 (2008-2009)
- 모터손실 저감을 위한 최적 제어기술 개발, 포항공과대학교 산학협력단 (2008-2009)
- SENSORLESS 180도 BLDC COMPRESSOR 구동 및 EZ TUNING 알고리즘 개발, 엘지전자(주) (2008-2009)
- 저소음 / 저진동 드럼세탁기용 차세대 모터 벡터제어기 개발, 엘지전자(주) (2008-2009)
- 충전기 설계안 도출 및 제어알고리즘 개발, 현대자동차(주)남양연구소 (2008-2009)
- 공작기계의 전류 및 스피드 제어 성능 개선 알고리즘 개발, 두산인프라코어(주) (2009-2010)
- TMS320F28335를 이용한 인버터 제어 보드 개발 및 벡터 제어, 엘지전자(주) (2009-2009)
- 충전기 설계안 도출 및 제어알고리즘 개발, 현대자동차(주)남양연구소 (2009-2010)
- 그린카 전기동력 시스템용 고효율 구동모터 및 컨버터/인버터 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2010-2010)
- 로봇용 IPM형 모터의 고장진단 및 고장대응 알고리즘 연구, 전자부품연구원 (2010-2011)
- 고출력밀도 최신 경쟁사 LDC 분석, 현대엔지비(주) (2010-2011)
- ELECTRIC POWER TRAIN 양산체제 구축을 위한 기술 기획, (주)포스코 (2010-2010)
- ELECTRIC POWER TRAIN 양산체제 구축을 위한 기술 기획, 포항공대산학협력단 (2010-2010)
- 저진동/저소음 드럼세탁기를 위한 모터 제어 알고리즘 개발, 엘지전자(주) (2010-2011)
- 센서리스 벡터 제어기의 AUTO TUNING을 위한 ONLINE 모터 PARAMETER 추정 및 고효율 운전을 위한 알고리즘 개발, 엘지전자(주) (2010-2013)
- ECO 프로젝트용 EPT 개발 (모터/PCU,포스텍), (주)포스코 (2010-2012)
- 충전기 설계안 도출 및 제어알고리즘 개발, 현대자동차(주)남양연구소 (2010-2011)
- ELECTRIC POWER TRAIN 용 100KW급 모터 및 PCU 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2010-2011)
- E-CAR연구단 부서운영, 포항공과대학교 (2010-2011)
- ECO 프로젝트용 EPT 개발 (모터/PCU,포스텍) (2 / 3), (주)포스코 (2011-2012)
- ECO 프로젝트용 EPT 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2011-2012)
- DC링크 CAPACITOR 최소화 알고리즘 개발 및 그에 적합한 INTERLEAVING PFC CONVERTER 알고리즘, 엘지전자(주) (2012-2013)
- ECO 프로젝트용 EPT 개발 (모터/PCU,포스텍), (주)포스코 (2012-2013)
- ELECTRIC POWER TRAIN용 100KW급 모터 및 PCU 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2012-2013)
- 보급형 고속전기차용 EPT 개발, 주식회사 포스코티엠씨 (2012-2013)
- 차량 DIFFERENTIAL GEAR 동작 구현을 위한 DUAL MOTOR SYSTEM개발, 엘지전자(주) (2013-2014)
- 터보랙 개선 제어 알고리즘 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2013-2013)
- 18V 햄머드릴용 BLDC 벡터 컨트롤러 개발, 계양전기(주)반월공장 (2013-2014)
- EV시장 대응 고전압 EPT 기술개발, (주)포스코 (2013-2014)
- EV시장 대응 고전압 EPT 기술개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2013-2014)
- 18V 햄머드릴용 BLDC 모터 및 설계 지도 개발, 계양전기(주)반월공장 (2013-2014)
- 마일드하이브리드 구동모터 개발(모터/인버터 일체형), 현대모비스(주) (2013-2015)
- XEV 배터리 전압 변동에 대하여 능동적 대응을 위한 전류 맵 보정법 개발, 엘지전자(주) (2015-2015)
- 4극 DC모터를 이용한 SENSORLESS 위치제어를 위한 모터 요구사양 최적화 및 모터제어기 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2015-2016)
- 자체연구개발과제[2015년 신설], 포항공과대학교 (2015-2022)
- SAIC EV 맞춤형 EPT 모터 및 인버터 설계 및 내구시험 용역, 주식회사 포스코티엠씨 (2015-2016)
- 엘지전자, 엘지전자(주) (2016-2019)
- SIC 소자를 이용한 인버터 구동용 회로 개발 (전동컴프레서용), 엘지전자(주) (2016-2016)
- 환경규제 대응과 전기차 보급 활성화를 위한 1충전 주행거리 250KM(NEDC모드) 및 적재하중 1톤 이상인 경상용 전기자동차 개발을 위한 기술 개발, 대동공업(주) (2016-2016)
- SIC 파워 소자 적용 게이트 보드 고장 검출 회로 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2016-2017)
- IP
- 남광희,황태원,김성원,염기태,김준우,양재식, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, 독일, 102014224862.0 (2015)
- 남광희,황태원,김성원,염기태,김준우,양재식, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, 중국, 201410855617.1 (2015)
- 남광희,김준우,김성원,염기태,황태원,양재식, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, USA, 14/557,277 (2014)
- 남광희,김재홍,강영주,류인술, 회전자 및 이를 포함하는 영구자석형 모터, 한국, 10-2014-0174397 (2014)
- 남광희,염기태,황태원,양재식,김준우,김성원, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, 중국, 201410708038.4 (2014)
- 남광희,양재식,염기태,김준우,황태원,김성원, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 방법 및 시스템, 독일, 102014224263.0 (2014)
- 남광희,김준우,김성원,염기태,황태원,양재식, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 방법 및 시스템, 일본, 2014-233062 (2014)
- 남광희,황태원,양재식,김성원,염기태,김준우, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 방법 및 시스템, USA, 14/551,020 (2014)
- 남광희,황태원,양재식,김성원,염기태,김준우, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 방법 및 시스템, USA, 14/551,020 (2014)
- 남광희,김성원,염기태,양재식,김준우,황태원, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, 한국, 10-2014-0073080 (2014)
- 남광희,김준우,양재식,김성원,염기태,황태원, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, 한국, 10-2014-0132596 (2014)
- 남광희,김준우,양재식,김성원,염기태,황태원, 전동기의 센서리스 제어 시스템 및 방법, 한국, 10-2014-0132596 (2014)
- 남광희,홍진석, ISG 시스템 및 그 제어 방법, 한국, 10-2016-0006655 (2014)
- 남광희,최종원, 동기 모터 제어 장치 및 이를 이용한 동기 모터의 센서리스 제어 방법, 한국, 10-2014-0028319 (2013)
- 남광희,정성윤,홍진석, 비상시 운전 동안 하이 퍼포먼스 영구 자석 동기 전동기의 무감지기 제어 방식, USA, 12/829,669 (2013)
- , 권선형 동기 모터의 회전자, 한국, 10-2012-0065155 (2013)
- 남광희, 권선형 동기 모터의 회전자, 한국, 10-2012-0065155 (2013)
- 남광희, 동기 모터의 회전자, 한국, 10-2012-0064413 (2013)
- 남광희, 전력 공급 장치를 포함하는 권선형 동기 모터, 한국, 10-2013-0036011 (2012)
- 남광희, 전력 공급 장치를 포함하는 권선형 동기 모터, 한국, 10-2013-0036011 (2012)
- 남광희, 전력 공급 장치를 포함하는 권선형 동기 모터, 한국, 10-2013-0036011 (2012)
- 남광희,정일수, 동기 전동기에서 스큐를 만드는 방법, 한국, 10-2012-0090052 (2012)
- 남광희,정일수, 동기 전동기에서 스큐를 만드는 방법, 한국, 10-2012-0090052 (2012)
- 남광희, 영구자석 동기 모터, 한국, 10-2012-0143735 (2012)
- 남광희, 영구자석 동기 모터, 한국, 10-2012-0143735 (2012)
- 남광희, 권선형 동기 모터, 한국, 10-2012-0143736 (2012)
- 남광희, 동기 모터 회전자와 유도 모터 회전자를 단일 고정자 코어에 삽입한 이중 모터 및 이를 이용한 전기 운송수단의 구동 시스템, 한국, 10-2010-0057116 (2010)
- 남광희, 동기 모터 회전자와 유도 모터 회전자를 단일 고정자 코어에 삽입한 이중 모터 및 이를 이용한 전기 운송수단의 구동 시스템, 한국, 10-2010-0057116 (2010)
- 남광희, 단일 인버터로 구동되는 동기 모터와 유도 모터를 구비한 전기자동차의 구동 시스템, 한국, 10-2010-0042591 (2010)
- 남광희, 동기 모터와 유도 모터에 단일 인버터를 적용하여 전기자동차를 구동하는 방식, 한국, 10-2010-0031565 (2010)
- 남광희,홍진석, 두 개의 센서리스 제어 방법을 조합한 위상 동기 검출기 기반의 동기 모터 회전자 각도 추정 시스템 및 방법, 한국, 10-2010-0032289 (2010)
- 남광희, 두 개의 유도 모터를 사용한 전기 자동차의 구동 방식, 한국, 10-2010-0028092 (2010)
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