Park, Poo GyeonProfessor
- Position
- Professor
- Homepage
- http://spac.postech.ac.kr
- Organization
- Signal Processing and Control
- Telephone
- 054-279-2238
- Place
- LG Engineering Building 315
- ppg@postech.ac.kr
- Education
- 1990~1995STANFORD UNIVERSITY (졸업-강인제어이론 및 고속신호처리)
- 1988~1990서울대학교 (졸업-제어계측)
- 1984~1988서울대학교 (졸업-제어계측)
- Career
- 1995~1996Standford Univ.
- 1993~1993I.L.S.C
- 1990~1995Univ. of Stanford
- Profession
- 강인한 제어 이론 개발 및 응용
- 신호 처리 및 통신에서의 고속 강인한 알고리즘의 개발
- Journal Papers
- A diffusion subband adaptive filtering algorithm for distributed estimation using variable step size and new combination method based on the MSD, DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 48, 361-369 (2016)
- A combined first- and second-order reciprocal convexity approach for stability analysis of systems with interval time-varying delays, JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 353, 2104-2116 (2016)
- A variable step-size diffusion affine projection algorithm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, , 29, 1012-1025 (2016)
- Auxiliary Function-based Integral/Summation Inequalities: Application to Continuous/Discrete Time-Delay Systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, , 14, 3-11 (2016)
- Special Issue on Time-delay Systems and Their Applications, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, , 14, 1-2 (2016)
- Modelling and control for eliminating flux oscillations in generation IV high temperature gas cooled reactor, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 52, 190-191 (2016)
- An improved stability criterion for discrete-time Lur’e systems with sector- and slope-restrictions, AUTOMATICA, , 51, 255-258 (2015)
- An Improved NLMS Algorithm in Sparse Systems Against Noisy Input Signals, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, , 62, 271-275 (2015)
- Efficient variable step-size diffusion normalised least-mean-square algorithm, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 51, 395-397 (2015)
- control of continuous-time uncertain linear systems with quantized-input saturation and external disturbances, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, , 79, 2457-2467 (2015)
- Improved stability criteria for recurrent neural networks with interval time-varying delays via new Lyapunov functionals, NEUROCOMPUTING, , 155, 128-134 (2015)
- An optimal variable step-size affine projection algorithm for the modified filtered-x active noise control, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 114, 100-111 (2015)
- Auxiliary function-based integral inequalities for quadratic functions and their applications to time-delay systems, JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 352, 1378-1396 (2015)
- State-feedback control for LPV systems with interval uncertain parameters, JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 352, 5214-5225 (2015)
- Variable step-size non-negative normalised least-mean-square-type algorithm, IET SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 9, 618-622 (2015)
- Stabilization of Markovian jump systems with incomplete knowledge of transition probabilities and input quantization, JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 352, 4354-4365 (2015)
- Variable step-size sign algorithm against impulsive noises, IET SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 9, 506-510 (2015)
- A Variable Step-Size Diffusion Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm with a Combination Method Based on Mean-Square Deviation, CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 34, 3291-3304 (2015)
- A variable step-size diffusion affine projection algorithm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, , , 1-14 (2015)
- A variable step-size affine projection algorithm with a step-size scaler against impulsive measurement noise, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 96, 321-324 (2014)
- Variable matrix-type step-size affine projection algorithm with orthogonalized input vectors, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 98, 135-142 (2014)
- Variable individual step-size subband adaptive filtering algorithm, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 50, 177-178 (2014)
- Second-order reciprocally convex approach to stability of systems with interval time-varying delays, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, , 229, 245-253 (2014)
- Improved criteria on robust stability and H-infinity performance for linear systems with interval time-varying delays via new triple integral functionals, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, , 243, 570-577 (2014)
- Variable Step-Size Affine Projection Sign Algorithm, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, , 61, 274-278 (2014)
- A band-dependent variable step-size sign subband adaptive filter, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 104, 407-411 (2014)
- A Normalized Least Mean Squares Algorithm With a Step-Size Scaler Against Impulsive Measurement Noise, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS – II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, , 60, 442-445 (2013)
- Multistage gamma-level control for input-saturated systems with disturbances, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, , 73, 1729-1730 (2013)
- An Efficient Line-Search Algorithm for Unbiased Recursive Least-Squares Filtering With Noisy Inputs, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 20, 693-696 (2013)
- Variable Step-Size Sign Subband Adaptive Filter, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 20, 173-176 (2013)
- Bias-compensated normalised LMS algorithm with noisy input, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 49, – (2013)
- An Affine Projection Algorithm With Update-Interval Selection, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 61, 4600-4609 (2013)
- Normalised least-mean-square algorithm for adaptive filtering of impulsive measurement noises and noisy inputs, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 49, 1270-1272 (2013)
- Normalised subband adaptive filter with variable step size, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 48, 204-205 (2012)
- Further enhancement of stability and stabilisability margin for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems, IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, , 6, 313-318 (2012)
- H(2) state-feedback control for LPV systems with input saturation and matched disturbance, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, , 67, 1083-1096 (2012)
- Stabilization for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems based on partitioning the range of fuzzy weights, AUTOMATICA, , 48, 970-973 (2012)
- Affine projection algorithm with decremental projection order and optimally-designed step size, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 48, 496-497 (2012)
- Variable step-size affine projection sign algorithm, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 48, 483-484 (2012)
- Optimal Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 19, 431-434 (2012)
- Improved approach to robust stability and H-infinity performance analysis for systems with an interval time-varying delay, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, , 218, 10533-10541 (2012)
- Improved Affine Projection Sign Algorithm for Sparse System Identification, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 48, 927-929 (2012)
- Scheduled-Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS, , 59, 2034-2043 (2012)
- A Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm Based on Variable-Step-Size Recursion With Innovative Input Data, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 19, 817-820 (2012)
- Reciprocally convex approach to stability of systems with time-varying delays, AUTOMATICA, , 47, 235-238 (2011)
- Variable regularized least-squares algorithm: One-step-ahead cost function with equivalent optimality, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 91, 1224-1228 (2011)
- A Two-Stage Affine Projection Algorithm with Mean-Square-Error-Matching Step-sizes, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 91, 2639-2646 (2011)
- Vision-Based Camber Measurement System in the Endless Hot Rolling Process, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, , 50, – (2011)
- Mean-Square Deviation Analysis of Affine Projection Algorithm, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 59, 5789-5799 (2011)
- Delay-dependent stability criteria for systems with asymmetric bounds on delay derivative, JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 348, 2674-2688 (2011)
- State-feedback disturbance attenuation for polytopic LPV systems with input saturation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL, , 20, 899-922 (2010)
- Robust H-infinity stabilisation of networked control systems with packet analyser, IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, , 4, 1828-1837 (2010)
- Dynamic output-feedback guaranteed cost control for linear systems with uniform input quantization, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, , 62, 95-104 (2010)
- An affine projection algorithm based on reuse time of input vectors, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 17, 750-753 (2010)
- H-infinity State-Feedback-Control Design for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems Using Relaxation Technique for Parameterized LMI, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, , 18, 985-993 (2010)
- Relaxed H-infinity Stabilization Conditions for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems With Interval Time-Varying Delays, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, , 17, 1441-1449 (2009)
- Delay-dependent Robust Stabilization for Systems with Time-varying Delays, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, , 7, 711-722 (2009)
- Scheduled-Stepsize NLMS Algorithm, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 16, 1055-1058 (2009)
- Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Systems with Time-Varying Delays: State Discretization Approach, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, , E92A, 1136-1141 (2009)
- Observer-Based Relaxed H-infinity Control for Fuzzy Systems Using a Multiple Lyapunov Function, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, , 17, 476-484 (2009)
- Networked-based robust H-infinity control design using multiple levels of network traffic, AUTOMATICA, , 45, 764-770 (2009)
- H-infinity state-feedback control for fuzzy systems with input saturation via fuzzy weighting-dependent Lyapunov functions, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, , 57, 981-990 (2009)
- Improved Global Stability Conditions of the Tuning Parameter in FAST TCP, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, , 13, 202-204 (2009)
- H-2 control of continuous-time uncertain linear systems with input quantization and matched disturbances, AUTOMATICA, , 45, 2435-2439 (2009)
- Eliminating effect of input quantisation in linear systems, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 44, 456-457 (2008)
- Induced infinity-norm FIR filter for recovering NIPSK-type modulus signals, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 88, 2731-2737 (2008)
- Asymptotic stabilisation of system with finite-level logarithmic quantiser, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, , 44, 1117-1118 (2008)
- H-infinity output-feedback control based on an FIR-type quasi-deadbeat observer, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 53, 1492-1498 (2008)
- H-infinity State-Feedback Control Design for Fuzzy Systems Using Lyapunov Functions With Quadratic Dependence on Fuzzy Weighting Functions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, , 16, 1655-1663 (2008)
- Output feedback variable structure control for linear systems with uncertainties and disturbances, AUTOMATICA, , 43, 72-79 (2007)
- Author’s reply: Comments on delay-dependent robust H-infinity control for uncertain systems with a state-delay, AUTOMATICA, , 43, 572-573 (2007)
- An efficient tree-based tag anti-collision protocol for RFID systems, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, , 11, 449-451 (2007)
- Stability and robust stability for systems with a time-varying delay, AUTOMATICA, , 43, 1855-1858 (2007)
- Parametric interpolation using sampled data, COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, , 38, 39-47 (2006)
- Adaptive self-orthogonalizing per-tone decision feedback equalizer for single carrier modulations, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, , 13, 21-24 (2006)
- Fault diagnosis of a power transformer using an improved frequency-response analysis, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, , 20, 169-178 (2005)
- Constrained MPC algorithm for uncertain time-varying systems with state-delay, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 50, 257-263 (2005)
- A pattern-based fault classification algorithm for distribution transformers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, , 20, 2483-2492 (2005)
- Delay-dependent robust H-infinity control for uncertain systems with a state-delay, AUTOMATICA, , 40, 65-72 (2004)
- Guaranteed cost controller design for discrete-time switching fuzzy systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS, , 34, 110-119 (2004)
- Constrained RHC for LPV systems with bounded rates of parameter variations, AUTOMATICA, , 40, 865-872 (2004)
- Output-feedback H-infinity control of systems over communication networks using a deterministic switching system approach, AUTOMATICA, , 40, 1205-1212 (2004)
- Nondestructive fault diagnosis of a transformer using transfer function method, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS, , 270-2, 996-1001 (2004)
- Dynamic output-feedback receding horizon H-infinity controller design, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, , 2, 475-484 (2004)
- H-infinity state-feedback controller design for discrete-time fuzzy systems using fuzzy weighting-dependent Lyapunov functions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, , 11, 271-278 (2003)
- Stability criteria of sector- and slope-restricted Lur’e systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 47, 308-313 (2002)
- The normalized least-squares order-recursive lattice smoother, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 82, 895-905 (2002)
- Robust stabilization of uncertain input-delayed systems using reduction method, AUTOMATICA, , 37, 307-312 (2001)
- Delay-dependent robust stabilization of uncertain state-delayed systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 74, 1447-1455 (2001)
- LPV controller design for the nonlinear RTAC system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL, , 11, 1343-1363 (2001)
- A stabilizing output-feedback linear quadratic control for pure input-delayed systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 72, 385-391 (1999)
- A delay-dependent stability criterion for systems with uncertain time-invariant delays, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 44, 876-877 (1999)
- Matrix bounds of the discrete ARE solution, SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS, , 36, 15-20 (1999)
- A receding horizon Kalman FIR filter for discrete time-invariant systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 44, 1787-1791 (1999)
- A receding horizon Kalman FIR filter for linear continuous-time systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 44, 2115-2120 (1999)
- The asymptotic stability of nonlinear (Lur’e) systems with multiple slope restrictions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 43, 979-982 (1998)
- A revisited Tsypkin criterion for discrete-time nonlinear Lur’e systems with monotonic sector-restrictions, AUTOMATICA, , 34, 1417-1420 (1998)
- H-infinity filtering via convex optimization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 66, 15-22 (1997)
- Convergence of the DRE solution to the ARE strong solution, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 42, 573-578 (1997)
- Dual J-spectral factorization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 68, 287-296 (1997)
- A revisited Popov criterion for nonlinear Lur’e systems with sector-restrictions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 68, 461-469 (1997)
- On the trace bound of a matrix product, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 41, 1799-1802 (1996)
- Guaranteed level-gamma H-infinity control in uncertain linear systems via linear matrix inequalities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 65, 913-924 (1996)
- New square-root smoothing algorithms, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 41, 727-732 (1996)
- A lattice algorithm dual to the extended inverse QR algorithm, SIGNAL PROCESSING, , 47, 115-133 (1995)
- Estimation of Acid Concentration Model of Cooling and Picking Process suing Volterra Siries Inputs, Journal of Insttitute of Control, Robotics, and Systems, , , – (2015)
- A New Defect Inspection Method for TFT-LCD Panel using Pattern Comparison, 전기학회논문지, , , – (2008)
- 자기조절 퍼지 알고리듬을 이용한 지능순항제어시스템 개발, 제어·자동화·시스템공학논문지, , 4, 68-75 (1998)
- Proportionate Sign Subband Adaptive Filtering Algorithm, Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, , 3, 99-105 (2015)
- Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm with a Pseudo-Fractional Number of Orthogonal Correction Factors, Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, , 3, 167-172 (2015)
- H_infty Output-feedback Control Based on an FIR-type Quasi-deadbeat Observer, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 53, 1492~1498- (2008)
- H_infty State-Feedback Control Design for Fuzzy Systems Using Lyapunov Functions with Quadratic Dependence on Fuzzy Weighting Functions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, , 16, 1655~1663- (2008)
- PSF Search Algorithm for Dual-Exposure Type Blurred Image, PROCEEDINGS OF WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, , 21, 7-12 (2007)
- New SR BF Smoothing Formulas, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, , 40, 761- (1995)
- New SR RTS Smoothing Formulas, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, , 62, 1049- (1995)
- Conference Proceedings
- A Robust Active Control of Impulsive Noise using a Step-Size Scaler, ICMIT2015, 0, 0, – (2015)
- Hoo State-Feedback Control for Continuous-Time Markovian Jump Systems, ICCAS 2015, 0, 0, – (2015)
- Improved Hoo state-feedback control for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with incomplete knowledge of transition probabilities, ICCAS 2015, 0, 0, – (2015)
- Image Stitching Algorithm for Camber Measurement in Hot Rolling Process: Cross-Correlation Approach, ICCAS 2015, 0, 0, – (2015)
- New stability criteria for linear systems with interval time-varying delays via an extended state vector, ASCC 2015, 0, 0, – (2015)
- Auxiliary Function-based Summation Inequalities for Quadratic Functions and their Application to Discrete-time Delay Systems, TDS2015, 0, 0, – (2015)
- H2 state-feedback LPV controller design with multiple parameters for the nonlinear inverted pendulum problem, AROB, 0, 0, – (2015)
- An improved affine projection algorithm for both the measurement noise and impulsive noise, AROB, 0, 0, – (2015)
- Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm with a Pseudo-fractional Number of Orthogonal Correction Factors, ICNIT, 0, 0, – (2014)
- Proportionate sign subband adaptive filtering algorithm for network echo cancellers, ICNIT, 0, 0, – (2014)
- An edge detection algorithm for steel bar in hot rolling process, ICCAS, 0, 0, – (2014)
- Variable Step-size NLMS Algorithm with Oblique Projection, ICCAS, 0, 0, – (2014)
- Location Estimating Technique for Sound Source in Underwater Noisy Environment, 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술지, 0, 0, – (2014)
- 능동 소음 제어 시스템을 위한 향상된 MFxAP 알고리즘, 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술지, 0, 0, – (2014)
- 양자화된 입력 포화 및 외란을 갖는 선형시스템에서 외란 응답 감소를 위한 상태-궤환 제어, ICROS, 0, 0, – (2014)
- 2D 상호상관을 이용한 열연 연연속 압연 공정의 영상 접합 알고리즘, ICROS, 0, 0, – (2014)
- Non-Periodic-Partial-Update Affine Projection Algorithm with Data-Selective Updating , ISPCS, 0, 0, – (2013)
- An Evolving Update Interval Algorithm for The Optimal Step-size Affine Projection Algorithm, ISPCS, 0, 0, – (2013)
- LPV controller design with multiple parameters for the nonlinear RTAC system, ASCC, 0, 0, – (2013)
- 다중 파라메타를 갖는 선형 파라메터 변형 시스템의 H2 상태-궤환 제어, ICROS, 0, 0, – (2013)
- 두개의 하이드로폰을 이용한 수중 음원의 방향 추정 알고리즘, ICS, 0, 0, – (2013)
- Control of Switched Systems for Continuous-time and Discrete-time Subsystems with Input Saturation, ICNSE, 0, 0, – (2013)
- Stability Criterion with Less LMI Variables for Linear Continuous-Time Systems with Two Additive Time-Varying Delays, ICNSE, 0, 0, – (2013)
- Further Improvement of Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Linear Systems with Time-Varying Delays, ICCAS 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- Set Invariance Approach to H∞ Control for Input-Saturated Systems with Disturbances, ICCAS 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- Variable Step-Size APA with decorrelation of AR input process, ICECECE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- A Variable Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm With Periodically Evolved Update Interval, ICECECE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- Acoustic Source Localization Based on the Extended Kalman Filter for an Underwater Vehicle with a Pair of Hydrophones, ICECECE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- New Guaranteed H-infinity Performance State Estimation for Delayed Neural Networks, ICIEE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- Mura Region Detection by Using 2D FFT with Exponential Kernel for Black Resin-coated Steel, ICIEE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- A Robust Variable Step-size NLMS Algorithm through A Combination of Robust Cost Functions, ICIEE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- An Improved Least Mean Kurtosis (LMK) algorithm for Sparse System Identification, ICIEE 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- An Improved Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithm with Orthogonal Correction Factors for Echo, ICEEI, 0, 0, – (2012)
- Variable Forgetting Factor Recursive Total Least Squares Algorithm for FIR Adaptive filtering, ICEEI, 0, 0, – (2012)
- 충격성 잡음 환경에서의 가변 스텝 사이즈를 이용한 인접 투사 부호 알고리즘, ICROS, 0, 0, – (2012)
- 2D FFT 를 이용한 흑색 수지 강판의 결함 검출 알고리즘, ICROS, 0, 0, – (2012)
- 선형 매개 변수가 있는 시스템을 가지는 네트워크 출력 피드백 제어 시스템의 관찰자 기반 H∞ 추적 문제에 관한 연구, ICROS, 0, 0, – (2012)
- H_infinite Tracking Control of LPV Systems over a Communication Network, IMECS 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- An Affine Projection Algorithm with Variable Projection Order using the MSE Criterion, IMECS 2012, 0, 0, – (2012)
- A Consistent Binormalized Data-Reusing LMS Algorithm For Noisy FIR Models, ICENC 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- State-feedback switching control for discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems based on partitioning the range of fuzzy weights, ICENC 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- An Affine Projection Algorithm with Evolving Order Using Variable Step-size, ICENC 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Further Enhancement of Delay-Range-Dependent Stability Criteria for Systems with Time-Varying Delays, ICCAS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- A Fast Image Stitching Algorithm in the Endless Hot Rolling Process, ICCAS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Normalized LMS algorithm with Evolutionary Change of Orthogonal Correction Factors, ICCAS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Time Delay Estimation for Underwater Sound Detection, CICS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- An Enhanced QRS Detection Algorithm in the Multiple Leads Environment, CICS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Control Design of Nonlinear Systems over a Communication Network, MWSCAS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Variable Step-Size NLMS Algorithm with Orthogonal Correction Factors, ICROS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- A New Iterative Method for Solving Total Least Squares Problem, ASCC 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Gain-Scheduling state-feedback control for LPV systems with multiple parameters, ASCC 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Delayed System Approach to the Stability of Networked Control Systems, INTERNATIONAL MULTICONVERENCE OF ENGINEERS AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- Delay-dependent Control and Stability Analysis for T-S Fuzzy Systems with a Sensor Delay, INTERNATIONAL MULTICONVERENCE OF ENGINEERS AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS 2011, 0, 0, – (2011)
- A Selective-Update Affine Projection Algorithm with Selective Input Vectors, 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRAPHIC AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 0, 0, – (2010)
- An Affine Projection Algorithm using Grouping Selection of Input Vectors, 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRAPHIC AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Camber Detection Algorithm Using the Image Stitching Technique in Hot-rolling Process, ASIAMIC 2010, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Delay-distribution-dependent Synchronization condition of Lur’e systems With Sampled Data Control, ASIZMIC 2010, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Stability analysis for T-S fuzzy systems with a time varying delay, ICROS 2010, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Vision-based algorithm for detecting joining part of bars in endless hot rolling process, ICROS 2010, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Object Tracking Based On Fragments With Variable Weight Vectors, ICROS 2010, 0, 0, – (2010)
- H2 state-feedback control for LPV systems with input saturation, ICROS 2010, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Implementation of TFT Inspection System Using The Stream Processor, THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS, 0, 0, – (2010)
- Variable Step-size Affine Projection Algorithm Based on Excess Mean Square Error, THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS, 0, 0, – (2010)
- An Affine Projection Algorithm using the Inner Product of Input Vectors, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATIONS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICICS 2009), 0, 0, – (2009)
- Control of Nonlinear System Using Relaxation Technique for PLMI, 2009 CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, 0, 0, – (2009)
- Perfomance Improvement of Attitude Estimation Using Biad and Motion Estimation, 2009 CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, 0, 0, – (2009)
- An Efficient Cubic Spline Interpolation method with reduced Overshoot, 2009 CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, 0, 0, – (2009)
- Delay-dependent robust stability for uncertain delayed T–S fuzzy systems, 7TH ASIAN CONTROL CONFERENCE(ASCC 2009), 0, 0, – (2009)
- H2 controller design for eliminating the effect of input quantization, ICROS-SICE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE 2009, 0, 0, – (2009)
- An Improved Approach to Robust H∞ Stabilization for Networked Control Systems, ICROS-SICE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE 2009, 0, 0, – (2009)
- Piecewise Linear Motion Blur Identification Using Morphological Filtering in Frequency Domain, ICROS-SICE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE 2009, 0, 0, – (2009)
- Development of the brightness quality improving system with the video region detection algorithm, IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (ISLE 2009), 0, 0, – (2009)
- A Defect Inspection Method for TFT panel using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (ISLE 2009), 0, 0, – (2009)
- Robust stability analysis for uncertain T-S fuzzy systems with a time-varying delay, THE FOURTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS 2009, 0, 0, – (2009)
- Effective RFID Tag Positioning Strategy for Mobile Robot with Indoor Mapping, THE FOURTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS 2009, 0, 0, – (2009)
- Implementation of TFT Inspection System using the Common Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) on Modern Graphics Hardware, THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION, 0, 0, – (2008)
- Relaxed Delay-dependent Stabilization Conditions for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems with Time Delays, THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION, 0, 0, – (2008)
- 오도메트리 정보와 RFID 시스템을 이용한 이동 로봇 위치 인식 방법, 2008 정보 및 제어 추계학술대회, 0, 0, – (2008)
- An Affine Projection Algorithm with Two Numbers of Input Vectors, THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGEDISCOVERY, 0, 0, – (2008)
- Guaranteed Cost Fuzzy Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation, THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGEDISCOVERY, 0, 0, – (2008)
- Development of Defect Detection Algorithm in Cold Rolling, ICCA 2008, 0, 0, – (2008)
- Stabilization of 2-D Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Function: An LMI Approach, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2008, 0, 0, – (2008)
- A Replanning Strategy for Preplanned Robot Trajectory in Emergency Situation, THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS, 0, 0, – (2008)
- Geometric Modeling of Illumination on the TFT-LCD Panel using Bezier Surface, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, ELECTRICAL, AND SYSTEMS SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING 2007, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Direct Method for Converting FIR Filter with Low Nonzero Tap into IIR Filter, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, ELECTRICAL, AND SYSTEMS SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING 2007, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Finite-Horizon Tracking Control for Repetitive Systems with Uncertain Initial Conditions, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, ELECTRICAL, AND SYSTEMS SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING 2007, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Stability conditions for Time-delayed LPV systems, 2007 정보 및 제어 추계학술대회, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Vision-Based Camber and Optimal Cutting Line Detection Algorithm for Hot-Rolling Process, 2007 정보 및 제어 추계학술대회, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Defect Inspection of TFT-LCD Panel using 3D Modeling and Periodic Comparison, 2007 정보 및 제어 추계학술대회, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Finite-horizon Tracking Control for Repetitive Systems with Uncertain Initial Condition, 2007 정보 및 제어 추계학술대회, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Fast Vision-Based Camber Detection Algorithm for Hot-Rolled Steel Strips, 2007 제어자동화시스템 심포지엄, 0, 0, – (2007)
- A Razumikhin-type Stability Criterion for Time-delayed systems, 9TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELING & SIMULATION, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Network-delay-dependent H_infty control of systems with input saturation, 2007 WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Asymptotic stability of input-saturated system with linear-growth-bound disturbances via VSC: an LMI approach, ICIS 2007, 0, 0, – (2007)
- PSF search algorithm for dual-exposure type blurred Image, ICIS 2007, 0, 0, – (2007)
- Hinf control of systems with the effects both of the networked-induced delay and of the input saturation, 2007 WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS, 0, 0, – (2007)
- State-feedback Stabilization of Sector-bounded Lur’e Systems, SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE 2006, 0, 0, – (2006)
- A New Tree-Based Tag Anti-collision Protocol for RFID Systems, THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTING, 0, 0, – (2006)
- An Efficient MPC Algorithm based on a Priori Zone Control, IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONTERENCE ON CIS & RAM, 0, 0, – (2006)
- The Gradient-Lattice Per Tone Equalizer for wireless LAN, International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, 0, 0, 1393-1396 (2005)
- Jerk Limited Velocity Profile Generation for High Speed Industrial Robot Trajectories, IFAC World Congress, 0, 0, – (2005)
- Least-squares Lattice Laguerre Smoother, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 1189-1191 (2005)
- Stability Analysis of a Multi-Link TCP Vegas Model, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 1072-1077 (2004)
- State set estimation based MPC for LPV systems with input constraint, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 530-535 (2004)
- Fuzzy weighting function dependent RHC design for TS fuzzy systems with input constraints, American Control Conference, 0, 0, 897-901 (2004)
- The multi-channel least squares order recursive lattice smoother, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 0, 0, 349-352 (2004)
- State-feedback stabilization for nonlinear time-delay systems: a new fuzzy weighting-dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach, IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, 0, 0, 5233-5238 (2003)
- A dynamic output-feedback variable structure controller design for uncertain fuzzy systems, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 0, 0, 804-809 (2003)
- An Ad hoc Scatternet Formation Algorithm on Bluetooth, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 2418-2423 (2003)
- Constrained MPC for uncertain time-delayed systems, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 1905-1940 (2003)
- Dual-rate Digital Controller Design for Continuous-time Linear Systems, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 468-472 (2003)
- New Stability Analysis of a Single Link TCP Vegas Model, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, 0, 0, 2430-2434 (2003)
- Output-feedback H∞ control of discrete-time switching fuzzy systems, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 0, 0, 441-446 (2003)
- A study on the fault diagnostic method of power transformers using transfer function approach, The 5th Joint Conference of ICASE division of Daegu/Kyoungbuk and SPARC, 0, 0, – (2002)
- H_infite output-feedback controller design for discrete-time fuzzy systems using weighting function-dependent Lyapunov functions, AROB, 0, 0, – (2002)
- A study on the fault diagnostic method of power transformers using transfer function approach, 철강제어 기술연구회학술발표회, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Guaranteed cost output-feedback controller design for discrete-time LPV systems, 15th IFAC World Congress, 0, 0, – (2002)
- H_infinite controller design for discrete-time fuzzy systems using weighting function-dependent Lyapunov functions, 2002 American Control Conference, 0, 0, – (2002)
- H_infinite output-feedback controller design for discrete-time fuzzy systems using weighting function-dependent Lyapunov functions, AROB 7th 2002, 0, 0, – (2002)
- H_infinite state-feedback controller design for discrete-time switching fuzzy systems, 2002 ICASE/SICE Joint Workshop, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Output-feedback H_infinite control of discrete-time LPV systems, 2002 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Receding horizon controller design for fuzzy systems with input constraints, 2002 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Stabilization of the asymmetric network control system, 41th IEEE Conference on Decision 1and Control, 0, 0, – (2002)
- State-feedback controller design for discrete-time switching fuzzy systems, 41th IEEE Conference on Decision 1and Control, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Stability Analysis of Lur’e Systems with Saturation Nonlinearitie, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2001, 0, 0, – (2001)
- A New Convolutional Weighting Function Method for Continuous-time Parameter Identification, ICCAS 2001, 0, 0, – (2001)
- Output feedback receding horizon control for uncertain LTV systems, ICCAS 2001, 0, 0, – (2001)
- A new coiling temperature control system design for the hot rolling process, 10th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing, 0, 0, – (2001)
- A new coiling temperature control system design for the hot rolling process, The 4th Joint Conference of ICASE division of Daegu/Kyoungbuk and SPARC, 0, 0, – (2001)
- Guaranteed cost LPV output-feedback controller design for nonlinear systems, 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electornics, 0, 0, 1198-1203 (2001)
- Guaranteed cost LPV controller design for input-saturated linear systems, 20th IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control, 0, 0, 505-508 (2001)
- 차선 이탈방지 알고리듬 및 HILS 개발, 제 4회 철강제어 기술연구회 학술발표회, 0, 0, 36-41 (2001)
- 칼만 계수 추정과 이동구간 제어를 근간으로한 강인 적응 제어기 설계, 제13차 한국자동제어 학술회의, 0, 0, 549-552 (2001)
- A New Coiling Temperature Control System Design For The Hot Rolling Process, MMM2001, 0, 0, – (2001)
- Output-feedback receding horizon controller design for LTV systems, IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, 0, 0, – (2001)
- Stability Analysis of Lur’e Systems with Saturation Nonlinearities, 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 0, 0, – (2001)
- The frequency-domain RLS algorithm with incremental Hopping-index, 40th SICE Annual Conference, 0, 0, – (2001)
- The normalized least squares order-recursive lattice smoother, 40th SICE Annual Conference, 0, 0, – (2001)
- 블록프로세싱 기법을 이용한 주파수 영역에서의 회귀 최소 자승 알고리즘, KACC, 0, 0, – (2000)
- 차선이탈방지 알고리듬 및 HiLS 개발, KACC, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Adaptive Receding Horizon H-infty Controller Design for LPV systems, KACC, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Controller Design for input-saturated linear systems, KACC, 0, 0, – (2000)
- FIR equalizer design via a linear programming approach, Asia Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Robust adaptive receding horizon controller design for time-varying systems, IASTED International Conference Control and Applications, 0, 0, – (2000)
- 블록 프로세싱 기법을 이용한 주파수 영역에서의 회귀 최소자승 알고리듬, 15회 한국자동제어 학술회의, 0, 0, – (2000)
- 차선 이탈방지 알고리듬 및 HILS 개발, 15회 한국자동제어 학술회의, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Adaptive receding horizon H_infinite controller design for LPV systems, 15회 한국자동제어 학술회의, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Controller design for input-saturated linear systems, 15회 한국자동제어 학술회의, 0, 0, – (2000)
- LPV controller design for systems with saturating actuators, 제 3회 철강제어 기술연구회 학술발표회, 0, 0, – (2000)
- LPV controller design for the nonlinear RTAC system, 2000 제어계축, 자동화, 로보틱스 연구회 합동 학술회, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Frequency-domain stability analysis of systems with uncertain constant delays, Korea-Japan Join Workshop on Robust and Predictive Control of Time-Delay Systems, 0, 0, – (1999)
- Parameter-dependent controller design for the nonlinear RTAC system, 제 2회 철강제어 기술연구회 학술발표회, 0, 0, – (1999)
- Self-tuning control design based on recursive parameter estimation and robust receding horizon control, 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 0, 0, 4607-4612 (1999)
- A delay-dependent robust stability criterion for uncertain time-delay systems, Preceeding of 1998 American Control Conference, 0, 0, 1963-1965 (1998)
- Delay-dependent robust robust stabilization of uncertain time-delay systems, IFAC System Structure and Control, 0, 0, – (1998)
- Observer design for nonlinear system using neural networks, Preceedings of IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, 0, 0, 157-160 (1998)
- State-feedback stabilizing criteria on Takagi-Sugeno models, Preceedings of IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, 0, 0, 165-168 (1998)
- 고압 변압기 분산모델 개발 및 열화종류별 전달함수 변이특성 분석, ICCAS 2001, 0, 0, – (1998)
- A delay-dependent robust stability criterion for uncertain time-delay systems, American Control Conference, 0, 0, 1963-1965 (1998)
- Observer design for nonlinear system using neural networks, IASTED international Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, 0, 0, 157-160 (1998)
- State-feedback stabilizing criteria on Takagi-Sugeno models, IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, 0, 0, 165-168 (1998)
- A Revisited Tsypkin Criterion for Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems with Monotonic Sector Restrictions, 97 European Control Conf., 0, 0, – (1997)
- Robust Controller Design Compensating for System Identification Errors, SYSID ’97 SICE, 0, 0, 8-11 (1997)
- Output-feedback LQ Regulator for Input-Delayed Systems, 2nd Asian Control Conf., 0, 0, 23-25 (1997)
- Asymptotic stability of input-saturated system with linear-growth-bound disturbances via VSC: an LMI approach, Preceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology, 0, 0, 25-27 (0000)
- Network-delay-dependent H_infty control of systems with input saturation, Preceedings of the 2007 WSEAS International Conference onComputer Engineering and Applications, 0, 0, 117-121 (0000)
- Piecewise control for systems with input saturation and disturbances, ICCAS 07, 0, 0, 1545-1550 (0000)
- Geometric Modeling of Illumination on the TFT-LCD Panel using Bezier Surface, Preceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology, 0, 0, 70-72 (0000)
- Direct Method for Converting FIR Filter with Low Nonzero Tap into IIR Filter, Preceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology, 0, 0, 134-136 (0000)
- Finite-Horizon Tracking Control for Repetitive Systems with Uncertain Initial Conditions, Preceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology, 0, 0, 66-69 (0000)
- Invited Talk or Presentations
- H-inf and Robust Control based on Linear System Theories, MRDEC 교육 강좌, 0, 0, – (2001)
- Robust Control based on Linear System Theories, ICASE 제어 연구 Workshop, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Books
- Intelligent Control and Innovative Computing, Springers, , 고정완 (2012)
- Fuzzy Systems, Intech, , 김성현 (2010)
- Matlab 을 이용한 디지탈 신호 처리, 시그마 프레스, 502, 박부견 (1998)
- Research Activities
- 로봇 제어기 개발, (주)로보스타 (2003-2003)
- WIRELESS MULTIMEDIA AGENT, (주)우리기술 (2001-2001)
- 전달함수를 이용한 변압기 고장진단기술 개발, 국방과학연구소 (2002-2003)
- 네트위크 혼합제어를 위한 고급제어 이론 적용, 국방과학연구소 (2002-2003)
- 변압기 고장진단에 대한 방법 연구, (주)포스코 (2000-2002)
- 변압기 파라미터 추정에 의한 열화진단기술 개발, (주)포스코 (2001-2001)
- PSEUDO-SPARK SWITCH 용 TRIGGER 전극 개발, (재)포항산업과학연구원 (2001-2002)
- 네트워크 모델링, 네트워크 기반제어 및 혼잡제어에 관한 연구, 포항공과대학교 (2002-2003)
- 변전소 및 공장전원 실시간 품질감시 시스템 구축방안, (주)포스코 (2002-2004)
- PC 기반 로봇 제어기 개발, (주)로보스타 (2003-2004)
- PC기반 로봇 제어기 개발, (주)로보스타 (2004-2004)
- NTSC 영상 신호의 디지철 처리 및 화질 개선에 관한 검증, (주)휴맥스 (2004-2005)
- SCARA 모델에 대한 PC 기반 로봇 제어기 개발, (주)로보스타 (2004-2005)
- PANEL PATTERN인식 ALGORITHM개발, [삭제]엘지필립스엘시디(주) (2004-2005)
- 네트워크 혼잡제어를 위한 고급제어 이론적용(APPLICATION OF ADVANCED C, 한국학술진흥재단 (2003-2004)
- (광양)기력발전기 고정자권선 열화측정 신호중 노이즈 저감 연구, (주)포스코 (2004-2005)
- 5-6GHZ 주파수대역의 SIMO RF신호의 시공간 특성응답을 이용하는 비정적 실내환경에서, 한국과학재단 (2005-2006)
- 개인장비 운영경비 적립액, 포항공과대학교 (2003-2016)
- PANEL 동영상 인식 ALGORITHM 및 화질개선 DATA MODULATION 개발, [삭제]엘지필립스엘시디(주) (2006-2006)
- 경상북도 RFID 산업 혁신기반 구축사업(기술개발 및 고급전문인력양성사업), 대구대학교 산학협력단 (2006-2007)
- 1NA05006 이월과제, 대구대학교 산학협력단 (2006-2007)
- 인건비풀링과제, 포항공과대학교 (2006-2015)
- 자체연구개발과제, 포항공과대학교 (2006-2016)
- (광양) 제철소 전력계통 단독 운전시 발전기 최적제어방안 연구, (주)포스코 (2005-2006)
- 모터 제어를 위한 IEEE 1394 통신 모듈 개발, 한국로봇융합연구원 (2005-2006)
- (포항) 2열연 BAR 선후단 CAMBER 검출 시스템 개발, (주)포스코 (2006-2006)
- 시간지연 시스템 제어기 설계, 포항공과대학교 산학협력단 (2006-2006)
- PANEL 동영상 인식 ALGORITHM 및 화질개선 DATA MODULATION 개발, [삭제]엘지필립스엘시디(주) (2006-2006)
- 동영상 인식 ALGORITHM을 이용한 동영상 화질개선 SYSTEM 구현, [삭제]엘지필립스엘시디(주) (2007-2007)
- LCD PANEL 검사를 위한 실시간 병렬알고리즘 개발, (주)엔비즈 (2007-2008)
- 병렬처리 장치를 이용한 영상처리 장치 개발, (주)엔비즈 (2007-2008)
- (전사) 에지크랙 검출 알고리듬 개발, (주)포스코 (2007-2008)
- 무선 주파수 식별 내 가상 집단화 근 노드를 이용한 다중 태크 인식방법, 포항공과대학교 산학협력단 (2007-2008)
- 내장형 TOUCH PANEL 인식 알고리즘 개발, 엘지디스플레이(주) (2008-2008)
- 실내 환경 인식을 위한 맵 빌딩 기술 개발, (재)대구경북과학기술원 (2008-2008)
- MEMS 2D SCANNER를 이용한 공초점 광학 측정 시스템 개발, (주)엔비즈 (2008-2009)
- (포항) FINEX COAL분포시스템 알고리듬 개선, (주)포스코 (2009-2009)
- 4.3526(박부견_중소기업기술개발)이월과제, (주)엔비즈 (2009-2010)
- MEMS 2D SCANNER를 이용한 공초점 광학 측정 시스템 개발, (주)엔비즈 (2009-2010)
- 병렬 영상 처리 장치 개발 및 SPI 프로그램 교육, 포항공과대학교 (2010-2011)
- (학생)인건비풀링과제, 포항공대산학협력단 (2009-2020)
- IEEE 802.11 기반 무선 네트워크용 제어 시스템 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2010-2011)
- 흑색 수지 표면 결함 검출 및 분류 알고리즘 개발, (주)포스코 (2011-2011)
- 논문게재료 지원사업(전자), 포항공대산학협력단 (2011-2012)
- 선택적 데이터를 통한 비주기 부분 갱신 APA 알고리듬 연구, 포항공대산학협력단 (2011-2011)
- IEEE 802.11 기반 무선 네트워크용 제어 시스템 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2011-2012)
- 4.5449_1차년도 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2011-2012)
- 수중 잡음 환경에서 음원 방향 및 성분 분석을 위한 실시간 신호 처리 연구, 한국해양과학기술원 (2012-2012)
- LCD PAD 결함 검사용 알고리즘 개발, 엘지디스플레이(주) (2012-2013)
- 수중 음원을 이용한 LOCALIZATION 알고리즘 연구, 한국해양과학기술원 (2013-2013)
- 시험분석 개별관리운영비과제, 포항공과대학교 (2013-2016)
- RM 캠버 측정정도 향상 알고리즘 개발 (1/1), (주)포스코 (2013-2014)
- 시간지연시스템 연구, 포항공대산학협력단 (2013-2014)
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