Chang, Soo YoungHonorary Professor
- Position
- Honorary Professor
- Organization
- 1.전자파의 전파이론
- Telephone
- \
- Place
- chang@postech.ac.kr
- Education
- 1983~1988UNIV. OF MICHIGAN (졸업-수리계획,일정계획)
- 1982~1983UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO (졸업-응용과학 및 경영)
- 1978~1982연세대학교 (졸업-물리학)
- Career
- 1988~1989Clemson University 산업공학과
- 1983~1988University of Michigan 산업공학과
- Profession
- 제품/시스템 최적 설계 및 생산/유통 시스템 최적 운용
- 오프라인/온라인/세미-온라인 일정계획 기법 분석
- 디지털 데이터 유통망 최적 설계 및 운용
- Journal Papers
- A subset sum approach to coil selection for slitting, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING-THEORY APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICE, , 22, 343-353 (2015)
- Order consolidation for hierarchical product lines, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, , 27, 597-608 (2014)
- Order consolidation for hierarchical product lines, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, , 27, 597-608 (2014)
- Automated knowledge source selection and service composition, COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS, , 52, 507-535 (2012)
- Scheduling of raw-material unloading from ships at a steelworks, PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, , 22, 389-402 (2011)
- Approximation of a Batch Consolidation Problem, NETWORKS, , 58, 12-19 (2011)
- Improved bounds for online scheduling with eligibility constraints, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, , 412, 5211-5224 (2011)
- Heuristics for automated knowledge source integration and service composition, COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, , 35, 1292-1314 (2008)
- Frequency insertion strategy for channel assignment problem, WIRELESS NETWORKS, , 12, 45-52 (2006)
- Joint economic procurement – production-delivery policy for multiple items in a single-manufacturer, multiple-retailer system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, , 103, 199-208 (2006)
- Online and semi-online scheduling of two machines under a grade of service provision, OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS, , 34, 692-696 (2006)
- Joint economic production-sihpment policy in a single-manufacturer-multiple-item system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING-THEORY APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICE, , 13, 357-363 (2006)
- Order consolidation for batch processing, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, , 9, 121-138 (2005)
- A two-dimensional vector packing model for the efficient use of coil cassettes, COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, , 32, 2051-2058 (2005)
- The effect of machine availability on the worst-case performance of LPT, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 148, 49-61 (2005)
- Semi-on-line parallel machines scheduling under known total and largest processing times, JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN, , 48, 1-8 (2005)
- Optimal weighting of bias and variance in dual response surface optimization, JOURNAL OF QUALITY TECHNOLOGY, , 37, 236-247 (2005)
- A posterior competitiveness for list scheduling algorithm on machines with eligibility constraints, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, , 21, 117-125 (2004)
- Parallel machine scheduling under a grade of service provision, COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, , 31, 2055-2061 (2004)
- Continuous slab caster scheduling and interval graphs, PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, , 15, 495-501 (2004)
- An efficient scheduling algorithm for the hot coil making in the steel mini-mill, PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, , 13, 298-306 (2002)
- Optimal production run length and inspection schedules in a deteriorating production process, IIE TRANSACTIONS, , 33, 421-426 (2001)
- A heuristic method for self-healing ring design in a single-homing cluster, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, , 14, 175-195 (2000)
- An algorithm for buffer allocation with linear resource constraints in a continuous-flow unreliable production line, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, , 17, 169-180 (2000)
- A lot grouping algorithm for a continuous slab caster in an integrated steel mill, PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, , 11, 363-368 (2000)
- The worst-case analysis of the MULTIFIT algorithm for scheduling nonsimultaneous parallel machines, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, , 92, 135-147 (1999)
- A Bayesian approach to prediction of system failure rates by criticalities under event trees, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, , 60-61, 623-628 (1999)
- A heuristic algorithm for minimizing maintenance workforce level, PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, , 10, 778-786 (1999)
- Parallel machines scheduling with machine shutdowns, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, , 36, 21-31 (1998)
- On deciding 3D part disassemblability and surface machinability, IIE TRANSACTIONS, , 28, 847-854 (1996)
- 혁신제품개발 교육과정에 대한 학생과 산업체 실무자의 요구사항 분석, 공학교육연구, , 11, 11-18 (2008)
- 정비작업 인력 수준 최소화를 위한 발견적 기법, 대한산업공학회지, , 25, 47-55 (1999)
- 철강 MINI MILL에서의 효율적인 작업단위 편성, 대한산업공학회지, , 24, 649-660 (1998)
- 단일기계 일정계획을 위한 제약 조건 표현언어 및 코드 생성기, 대한산업공학회지, , 22, 2209-2229 (1996)
- 자원제약조건을 갖는 연속흐름라인에서의 BUFFER 할당에 관한 연구, 대한산업공학회지, , 21, 541-553 (1995)
- 제약만족 알고리즘을 이용한 상호대화적 조종패널 배치, 대한산업공학회지, , 20, 85-97 (1994)
- 냉연공정에서의 작업단위편성, 대한산업공학회지, , 6, 117-131 (1993)
- 베이지안기법에 의한 임무 신뢰도 예측, 한국경영과학회지, , 18, 71-78 (1993)
- 선형계획을 위한 쌍대 신경망, 한국경영과학회지, , 17, 3-16 (1992)
- Conference Proceedings
- Benchmarking analysis of product design and development programs of domestic and foreign universities, Proceedings of the 2006 Spring Joint Conference of the KORMS/KIIE, 0, 0, – (2006)
- Identification of stakeholders’ needs for development of a course module of innovative product development, Proceedings of the 2006 Spring Joint Conference of the KORMS/KIIE, 0, 0, – (2006)
- Parallel Machine Scheduling with General Machine Shutdowns, Proceedings of APIEMS, 0, 0, 767-770 (2002)
- On-Line Parallel Machine Scheduling under Machine Eligibility Constraints: Posterior Competitiveness, Proceedings of IJIE, 0, 0, 487-489 (2002)
- 다품목 병렬 배취설비에서의 Dynamic Lot Sizing, 1998 추계 대한산업공학회 논문집, 0, 0, 318-322 (1998)
- A Bayesian Approach to Prediction of System Failure Rates by Criticalities under Event Trees, 14th International Conference on Production Research, 0, 0, 710-713 (1997)
- An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Steel Making in Mini Mill, 14th International Conference on Production Research, 0, 0, 454-457 (1997)
- 철강 Mini Mill에서의 생산 일정계획 시스템, 대한산업공학회 ’96추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 27-31 (1996)
- Event Tree를 이용한 치명도에 따른 시스템 고장률의 베이지안 분석, 1996 대한설비관리학회 창립 학술발표대회 논문집, 0, 0, 88-93 (1996)
- Determination of Feasible Region Existency in Convex Nonlinear Programming, Proceedings of 20th Int’l Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 0, 0, 469-472 (1996)
- Combinatorial Optimization in Modern Manufacturing, International Conference on Management Science and Economic Development of China, 0, 0, 104-114 (1996)
- Deterministic Multiple Machine Scheduling under Machine Elligibility Constraints, International Conference on Management Science and Economic Development of China, 0, 0, 63-71 (1996)
- 철강 Mini Mill 공정의 생산일정계획, 대한산업공학회 ’95추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 238-243 (1995)
- Bayesian Reliability Prediction Under Event Trees, Proc. of the 2nd SSAT Int’l Conf. on Reliability & Quality in Design, 0, 0, 113-117 (1995)
- 연속소둔 공정의 작업단위 편성을 위한 발견적 기법, 대한산업공학회-한국경영과학회 1994년 춘계 공동 학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 280-287 (1994)
- Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Scheduling DHCR Process, Int’l Conf. on Computerized Production Control in Steel Plant, 0, 0, 464-470 (1993)
- 지식베이스를 이용한 CAD 도면에서의 BOM 자동 생성, 1993년 한국자동제어 학회 추계 학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 151-155 (1993)
- The Analysis of a Continuous Production Line with Unreliable Machines, Int’l Symp. on Intelligent Process Automation, 0, 0, 263-283 (1992)
- 일정계획 문제를 위한 Constraint Satisfaction Problem Technique의 응용, 대한산업공학회 ’91 추계학술대회논문집, 0, 0, 213-226 (1991)
- 비선형계획법을 이용한 대규모 선형계획법의 개발, 대한산업공학회지 – 등재, 0, 0, 131-142 (1991)
- Strategic approach and application of course module development for innovation product development, Proceedings of the 2006 Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers,, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Combinatorial Problems Related to Order Consolidation, INFORMS 2006, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Transportation Problems Involving Trailers and Tractors, INFORMS 2006, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Invited Talk or Presentations
- Steel Product Out-bound Logistics, INFORMS, 0, 0, – (2002)
- Packing Problems for Scheduling Steel Manufacturing Processes, INFORMS-KORMS, 0, 0, – (2000)
- Bar Code 시스템과 연계한 실시간 재고/출고 관리 시스템 개발, 대한산업공학회 1993년 추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 625- (1993)
- Constraint Logic Programming의 일정계획 응용, 한국경영과학회 1992년 추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, – (0000)
- 통신망 최적설계 및 성능예측을 위한 의사결정지원 시스템, 한국경영과학회-대한산업공학회 1993 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, – (0000)
- CSP에 근거한 일정계획 언어 개발에 관한 연구, 대한산업공학회 1993년 추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, 550- (0000)
- A Job Sequencing System for Cold Coil Production Process, TIMS/ORSA, 0, 0, 109- (0000)
- A Decision Support System for Optical Fiber Telecommunication Netwrk Design, Proc. of 3rd Conference of Association of Asian-Pacific OR Societies, 0, 0, – (0000)
- A Vector Sequencing Approach for the Steel Manufacturing Process Scheduling, INFORMS, 0, 0, – (0000)
- The use of interval graphs for the steel-mill scheduling problems, INFORMS, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Assessing the Relative Weights of Bias and Variance in Dual Response Surface Problem, INFORMS Proceedings, 0, 0, – (0000)
- 냉연공정에서의 작업단위 편성, 한국경영과학회-대한산업공학회 1993 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Exact and Heuristic Approaches to the Component Set Identification Problem, INFORMS 2004 Denver Proceedings, 0, 0, – (0000)
- Research Activities
- 출하차량 통합배차 SCHEDULE 시스템 개발, (주)포스코 (2002-2002)
- 철강 수송물류 효율성 제고 및 비용절감 방안, (주)포스코 (2002-2004)
- 개인장비 운영경비 적립액, 포항공과대학교 (2004-2014)
- 인건비풀링과제, 포항공과대학교 (2006-2015)
- 자체연구개발과제, 포항공과대학교 (2006-2016)
- (전사) 철강설비 엔지니어링분야 R&DE 구축방안, (주)포스코 (2008-2008)
- 설비 엔지니어링 R&DE 개념화, 포항공과대학교 산학협력단 (2008-2008)
- (광양)후판/신제강 신설 관련 용선공급 패턴 MODEL개발, (주)포스코 (2009-2009)
- TLC 배차를 위한 트레일러 트렉터 모형, 포항공과대학교 산학협력단 (2009-2009)
- (전사) 범포스코 자력 엔지니어링 (R&BDE) 운영방향 기획, (주)포스코 (2009-2010)
- R&BDE 활동을 통한 설비 엔지니어링 기술 관리, 포항공과대학교 산학협력단 (2009-2010)
- (포항) 도요다 생산방식(TPS)의 포스코 생산방식화 연구, (주)포스코 (2010-2011)
- 소재-장치 산업 특성에 맞춘 생산방식 연구, 포항공대산학협력단 (2010-2011)
- 전기강판 GO제품 SLIT 최적화를 위한 폭조합 SYSTEM 개발, (주)포스코 (2011-2011)
- 포스코 및 패밀리사 생산성혁신을 위한 고유 측정지표 개발, (주)포스코 (2012-2012)
- 소재-장치 산업 특성에 맞춘 생산성 지표 연구, 포항공대산학협력단 (2012-2012)
- SALES-MIX와 PRODUCT-MIX을 고려한 최적 제품포트폴리오 도출, (주)포스코 (2013-2013)
- 소재산업에서의 최적 제품포트폴리오에 관한 연구, 포항공대산학협력단 (2013-2013)
- 자체연구개발과제[2015년 신설], 포항공과대학교 (2015-2025)
- IP
- 구정인,김병인,장수영,장준호,한윤택,임경국,김호경, AMUSE(Advanced Material Unloading Scheduling Expert), 한국, 2007-01-155-009 (PR20)