[ 수상 ]Seongjun Park, a postdoctoral researcher, has been awarded the “Best Paper Award” at JCCI 2024.
Seongjun Park, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH (supervised by Professor Kim Yong-Jun), received the Best Paper Award at the 34th Joint Conference on Communications and Information (JCCI 2024) for his paper titled “Dual Mask Error Correction Code Transformer.”
In this paper, a method to improve decoding performance by designing an error correction code decoder with two parallel transformer structures is proposed. The two transformers consist of self-attention structures with different mask matrices, achieving performance improvement through the diversity effect of the decoder. Additionally, the proposed algorithm demonstrates excellent decoding performance not only for a single type of error correction code but also across various codes.
At this year’s Joint Conference on Communications and Information, a total of five papers were selected for the Best Paper Award.