Sim, Jae-YoonHead
- Organization
- Analog IC Systems( Analog IC Systems )
- jysim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://pics.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2378
Baek, Rock-HyunProfessor
- Organization
- Technology Enablement of Advanced MOS structure( Technology Enablement of Advanced MOS structure )
- rh.baek@postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 279-2220
Chae, SuyongProfessor
- Organization
- Advanced Power Electronics and System
- sychae@postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2214
Cho, Joon HoProfessor
- Organization
- Communication and Information Systems( Communication and Information Systems )
- jcho@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://cisl.postech.ac.kr/cisl/jcho
- Telephone
- 054-279-2377
Choi, Su SeokProfessor
- Organization
- Smart Display & Device with Soft Electronics
- choiss@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- https://csspostech.wixsite.com/css1
- Telephone
- 054-279-2228
Chung, YoonyoungProfessor
- Organization
- Intelligent Semiconductor and Wearable Device
- ychung@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://chunglab.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2225
Han, HaewookProfessor
- Organization
- Nano Bio THz Photonics( Nano Bio THz Photonics )
- hhan@postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2240
Han, SooheeProfessor
- Organization
- Computational Control Engineering( Computational Control Engineering )
- sooheehan@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://cocel.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- Organization
- MADs(Microwave, Antenna, Device and Systems)( MADs(Microwave, Antenna, Device and Systems) )
- whong@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://mad.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone
- 054-279-2366
Jeon, Yo-SebProfessor
- Organization
- Wireless Communications and Machine Learning
- yoseb.jeon@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- https://wcml.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone
- 054-279-2232
Kang, SeokhyeongProfessor
- Organization
- CAD & SoC Design Lab. (CSDL)( CAD & SoC Design Lab. (CSDL) )
- shkang@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://soc.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2379
Kim, Byung SubProfessor
- Organization
- byungsub@postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2382
Kim, ChulhongProfessor
- Organization
- Bio Optics and Acoustics
- chulhong@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://www.boa-lab.com/index.html
- Telephone
- 279-8805
Kim, Hyung HamProfessor
- Organization
- Kim Lab - Ultrasound Research Group( Kim Lab - Ultrasound Research Group )
- Homepage
- http://ultrasound.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone
- 054-279-8864
Kim, Jung HoonProfessor
- Organization
- CTRL (Control Theory, Robotics and Learning)
- junghoonkim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- https://ctrl.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2230
Kim, Kwang InProfessor
- Organization
- Machine Learning and Vision Group
- kimkwangin@gmail.com
- Homepage
- https://sites.google.com/view/mlvlab
- Telephone
Kim, Kyung TaeProfessor
- Organization
- Intelligent Radar System and Signal Processing Laboratory
- kkt@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://iras.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone
- 054-279-2381
Kim, Sang WooProfessor
- Organization
- Intelligent Control and Systems( Intelligent Control and Systems )
- swkim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- http://icsl.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2237
Kim, WooksungProfessor
- Organization
- WADE (Wave Array and Display Engineering)
- wsungkim@postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 054-279-2363
Kim, YongjuneProfessor
- Organization
- Information Intelligence Lab
- yongjune@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage
- https://iil.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone
- 279-2233