Solid State and Quantum Electronics
Research in these fields focuses on semiconductors and other solid state materials, devices, and Fabrication processes. To facilitate this research, POSTECH has built infrastructure including a state-of-the- art clean room facility and 8 laboratories for test and measurement of semiconductor devices and materials.
The main research areas are Display Devices and Control Circuits for LCDs and PDPs, Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC), Advanced Lithography, Nano Devices and Circuits, Biomedical Imaging and Electronics, Quantum Photonics for Advanced Semiconductor LEDs and Lasers, and Nano-Bio Terahertz Photonics for Nano and Bio Photonic Devices.
- advanced device & circuit
- ProfessorBaek, Rock-Hyun
- E-mailrock8201@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/team-postech-ac-kr/home
- Telephone279-2220
- Advanced Nanoscale devices and their Applications
- ProfessorBaek, Chang-Ki
- E-mailbaekck@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://idea.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone279-8893
- Exploratory Electronic System Lab
- ProfessorLee, Byoung Hun
- E-mailbhlee1@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://eesl.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone054-279-2217
- Intelligent Semiconductor and Wearable Device
- ProfessorChung, Yoonyoung
- E-mailychung@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://chunglab.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-2225
- Nano Bio TeraHz Photonics
- ProfessorHan, Haewook
- E-mailhhan@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/nano-biothzphotonicsnbtplab
- Telephone279-5076
- Nano Devices and Processing
- ProfessorLee, Jeong-Soo
- E-mailljs6951@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://ndp.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-2897
- Nanoscale Photonics and Integrated Manufacturing Lab
- ProfessorRho, Junsuk
- E-mailjsrho@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://photonics.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone054-279-2187
- Physical Electronics Lab
- ProfessorKong, Byoung-don
- E-mailbdkong@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/pel-home
- Telephone054-279-2370
- Quantum computing and quantum network
- ProfessorLee, Moonjoo
- E-mailmoonjoo.lee@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/postechquantum/home
- Telephone054-279-2221
- Quantum Device Microsopy
- ProfessorOh, Myungchul
- E-mailmyungchul@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://molab.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone 054-279-2395
- Smart Display & Device with Soft Electronics
- ProfessorChoi, Su Seok
- E-mailchoiss@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://csspostech.wixsite.com/css1
- Telephone054-279-2228
- WADE (Wave Array and Display Engineering)
- ProfessorKim, Wooksung
- E-mailwsungkim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/kimwooksung
- Telephone279-2363
Integrated Circuits and SoC Design
The field of Integrated Circuits and SoC Design consists of the design and measurement of integrated circuit (IC) chips, signal integrity, SoC design methodology, and SoC design for display applications.
In this field, the ongoing research includes high-speed CMOS interface circuits such as Gbps DRAM crosstalk compensation and TV intra-panel interface, CMOS analog circuits such as analog-to-digital converters and sensor circuits, IP infrastructure systems, low-energy circuits, and high-speed modeling of TV intra-panel interface channel. The ongoing research also includes developing the SoC design methodology under process variations and designing advanced SoCs for display applications.-
- Analog IC Systems
- ProfessorSim, Jae-Yoon
- E-mailjysim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage http://pics.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-5571
- ProfessorKim, Byung Sub
- E-mailbyungsub@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://bevillab.postech.ac.kr/index.php
- Telephone279-5421
- Device and Integrated ircuit Engineering
- Professor
- E-mailjaejoon@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://dicelab.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone279-8858
- Integrated Circuits and Systems
- ProfessorLee, Seon-Kyoo
- E-mailleesk@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/icsdlab
- Telephone054-279-2364
- ProfessorShin, Se-Un
- E-mailseuns@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/pictuslab
- Telephone 054-279-2226
- RF circuit and system
- ProfessorSong,Ho-Jin
- E-mailhojin.song@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://mad.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone279-2235
Computer Engineering
Computer engineering is divided into two groups: Computer Design and Computer Applications. Computer Design has extensive application because of the advent of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), which optimize both General Purpose High Performance Computers and specific applications. The Computer Applications work involves Real-Time Digital/Analog Hardware Systems and Intelligent Robots.
The fields of ongoing research in Computer Design address several subjects, including distributed computing hardware and software considering High Performance, Low-power SoC, Real-Time processing, and Fault- Tolerance. The Computer Applications research concentrates on developing various aspects of Machine Intelligence.
- CAD & SoC Design
- ProfessorKang, Seokhyeong
- E-mailshkang@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://soc.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone054-279-2379
- Efficient Learning Laboratory
- ProfessorLee, Jaeho
- E-mailjaeho.lee@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://effl.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone054-279-2224
- Embedded Processor & Intelligent Computing
- Professor비공개: Lee, Youngjoo
- E-mailyoungjoo.lee@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/epiclab
- Telephone054-279-2369
- Embedded System Architecture
- ProfessorLee, Sunggu
- E-mailslee@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://esa.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-5936
- Machine Intelligence
- ProfessorOh, Tae-Hyun
- E-mailtaehyun@csail.mit.edu
- Homepagehttps://ami.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone+1-650-407-9517
- Machine Learning and Vision Group
- ProfessorKim, Kwang In
- E-mailkimkwangin@gmail.com
- Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/mlvlab
- Telephone
Communications and Signal Processing
The fields of communications and signal processing form the core of the Information Industry. Research in this field aims to develop technology to process signals from diverse sources. Communications research addresses technology such as coding, transmission and security of information. Signal processing addresses the technology for converting electrical impulses from signal and data using digital systems.
The fields of ongoing main research are Wiretapping, Spread-spectrum Technique overcoming of wiretapping and signal interference, Next Generation Digital Telecommunication Technology, Cryptography, Error- Correction Coding, Smart Cards, Video Telephones, Web Conference Systems, High Definition Television (HDTV), Information Coding,Signal Processing Applications, and Color Image Processing.
- Communication and Information Systems
- ProfessorCho, Joon Ho
- E-mailjcho@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://cisl.postech.ac.kr/cisl/jcho
- Telephone279-8017
- Communications and Signal Design
- ProfessorYang, Kyeongcheol
- E-mailkcyang@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://csdl-lab.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-5054
- Communications and Signal Processing
- ProfessorSong, Woo-Jin
- E-mailwjsong@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://cspl.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-2789
- Communications-X Lab
- ProfessorLee, Namyoon
- E-mailnylee@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://wireless-x.korea.ac.kr/
- Telephone 054-279-2216
- Wireless Communications and Machine Learning
- ProfessorJeon, Yo-Seb
- E-mailyoseb.jeon@postech.ac.kr
- Homepage https://wcml.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone054-279-2232
Control and Power Electronics
In modern industrial society, the importance of control and system engineering using computer technology is increasing. Researchers in control and power electronics in the department are constantly developing innovative technology in automation control and transportation that are necessary for national industrial development. Therefore, the research and education program aims at developing new control theory which will become influential worldwide.
The main fields of ongoing research are Control Theory (Control in Robotics, Nonlinear Control, Robust Control, Intelligence Control, Adaptive Control, Optimal Control, and Power Electronics), large- scale of Distributed Control, Real-Time Control Systems, PLC and VME Systems, Electronic electrical switches, Electric Power Compensators, High Power AC Motor Drives, Application of Fuzzy and Neural Networks, Process Control,and advanced Vehicle Control.
- Advanced Power Electronics and System
- ProfessorChae, Suyong
- E-mailsychae@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/apes-postech/home
- Telephone 054-279-2214
- Computational Control Engineering
- ProfessorHan, Soohee
- E-mailsooheehan@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://cocel.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-2383
- Control & Motor Drive
- ProfessorNam, Kwang Hee
- E-mailkwnam@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://cmdlab.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-5628
- CTRL (Control Theory & Robotics Laboratory)
- ProfessorKim, Jung Hoon
- E-mailjunghoonkim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://ctrl.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone054-279-2230
- Energy Systems
- ProfessorKim, Youngjin
- E-mailpowersys@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/youngjinkim/home
- Telephone279-2368
- Energy-Circuit
- ProfessorKwon, Bong Hwan
- E-mailbhkwon@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://eclab.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-2876
- Intelligent Control and Systems
- ProfessorKim, Sang Woo
- E-mailswkim@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://icsl.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-5018
- Signal Processing and Control
- ProfessorPark, Poo Gyeon
- E-mailppg@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://spac.postech.ac.kr
- Telephone279-5588
Electromagnetics and Microwave Engineering
This field will be very important in future society. The most advanced electromagnetic wave environment and instruments are required by Telecommunications and Information Services. Also novel fields of research are being developed in such areas as Space Science, Defense Industry, and Environmental Engineering.
The main areas of concern are Device Modeling using in Super High Frequency, Design and Production of circuits, microstrip antennas and phase array antennas of every kind,Human Response to Radio Waves, Radar systems and Data processing for use in remote sensing, Automobile-based SAR System Development, Random- target Recognition, Development of Code for calculating various targets’ RCS, and research into the Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation.
- Bio Optics and Acoustics
- ProfessorKim, Chulhong
- E-mailchulhong@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://www.boa-lab.com/index.html
- Telephone279-8805/
- Computational Electromagnetics
- ProfessorNa, Dong-Yeop
- E-maildyna22@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttps://sites.google.com/view/acem-postech/home
- Telephone 279-2215
- Intelligent Radar System and Signal Processing Laboratory
- ProfessorKim, Kyung Tae
- E-mailkkt@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://iras.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone279-5021
- MADs(Microwave, Antenna, Device and System)
- ProfessorHong,Wonbin
- E-mailwhong@postech.ac.kr
- Homepagehttp://mad.postech.ac.kr/
- Telephone279-2366